
I believe you're right about the Chris Brown thing. But this is Beyonce. She's flawless, and they had a bodyguard so it was totally ok to just do absolutely nothing. Sends a great message to her worshipping herd. "It's ok to do nothing, as long as you have a bodyguard"

Oh they had a bodyguard. Makes standing there looking at the floor saying and doing nothing perfectly ok.

Hm, maybe I'm just different. Regardless of his size, if someone (especially a family member) went after my husband, you bet I'd jump in the middle.

No, I'm referring to what solange did. Family attacking family, does that not fall within DV parameters?

I think it's pretty shitty of someone (famous or not) to just stand their while their sister assaults their husband. It's even shittier to continue this passive aggressive tirade on the internet. Is this not considered a form of domestic violence? Oh but it's ok since Beyonce is involved.

I fucking hate people.

He never demos anything either! He just CLICKBAITS WITH BIG LETTERS AND EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!! and then it's 2 min of him yapping.

This is a good video, but I can't stand him anymore.

I'm not a fan. I think she's a less threatening, not racist, slightly more sober version of Chelsea. Her material is just too over the top for me. I'm turned off enough by her 'comedy' to not give an smidge of a fuck about her public appearances and the like. But at least she's not a shriveled old booze hound like

I didn't know until just now how perfect something could be.

I feel like another hospital trip (for exhaustio, of course) is in her immediate future.

Courtney Love smells like Clove Cigarettes, stale b.o, knock off White Diamonds and boxed wine.

Maybe she's going bland because the Humphries invites were pretty elaborate. Variety?

I'll go with clueless for 200, Alex.

I've studied astrology, and seen a lot of it hold true with most people I know. Being aware of my personality, and how myself and spouse interact, there are definitely certain Signs we want to steer clear of. I don't think its (astrology) a total blueprint of what your child/friend/spouse is going to be, but it lets

I'm interested in Cusp people. It's like knowing someone with different colored eyes. In my experience, Cusp people are very rare, but very interesting.

Gemini here raised by 2 Pisces. It was a mess. The personality barriers still hinder us even now that I'm an adult. Definitely planning my future pregnancy based on astrology. My worst fear is raising a Leo or Virgo. I wouldn't even know how to relate to their personality. My husband is an Aquarius.

I thought French Montana just got engaged?

Obviously, Buzzfeed needs to make us a quiz so we can all determine once and for all, if we basic or nah.

I dont get the hoopla with this movie. I didn't think it was better than Tangled, which was pretty good. What a bunch of spoiled kids these must be. I didn't get a Furby when they first came out, had to wait 7 months until my birthday. My parents certainly weren't falling all over themselves to get it right away. I