
I just did that boss fight during my lunch today. It gets really difficult there at the end. I am really enjoying the game so far. I like the exploration part of the game, but moving in the boss fight was a little difficult. I wish the controls were a little tighter for moving. You need to be able to make precise

Do you have to beat the game to unlock the time attack mode?

I am anxiously awaiting my orange set to arrive.

Is the animation quality pretty good?

I see several people have already mentioned The Thing so I’m going with another The movie and throwing The Fly out there as a great remake.

I will be playing a combination of Prey and Golf Story.

Speed Racer was awesome. I need to go back and watch that again.

Fantastic. Thank you.

Where can I play this game?

I definitely will be. I don’t keep up with it near as much as I once did, but I love tennis. Hope this is a trend that catches on.

I thought Tarkin looked incredible in Rogue One. Never understood what all the fuss was about.

Fucking Reel Steel...

Sure. I can be as equally vicious to gamergate shitheads as they are to the people they target. That’s equality right?

Gamergate is not and never was about equality and integrity.

I might agree more with you if they has spent 150 hours in the game and decided they didn’t like it. Even that is being generous. You can’t tell me it takes longer than 40 hours to have a thorough opinion of the game and all of its mechanics. I don’t think you get to give a game a negative review if you have played

Looked like a clean screen to me...

Here’s hoping for VR support. That would go a long way towards me buying it. That and conquest mode...

I’ve never played a Persona game. I just haven’t been into the fact that you play as a high school kid. I am nowhere near highschool age anymore, and don’t really have any desire to relive high school experiences, especially romantic ones. It just seems weird to me. But after hearing so much about these games over

Again, we disagree on this, but I feel like other two men bear some of the responsibility for their own deaths.

I agree with you that compensating the families is the right thing to do. I just feel like $2 million dollars is a little excessive.