If he is dead, how is he still on the hook? How does taking money away from Fernadez’s family punish him now that he is dead?
If he is dead, how is he still on the hook? How does taking money away from Fernadez’s family punish him now that he is dead?
They knew he had been drinking a lot, and one of the guys had cocaine in his system also, according to the article. I’m not saying it is all completely their fault, and I’m not saying they deserved to die. The crash and everyone’s subsequent deaths were Fernandez’s fault, but I think the other two guys are still…
I don’t get paid to give legal opinions because I’m not a lawyer.
So in your opinion the two people with Fernandez bear no responsibility at all?
I appreciate your mature, measured response.
Rape victims don’t choose to be raped. These guys didn’t choose to be killed in a boat crash, but they chose to get on a boat with an operator who was intoxicated with multiple substances.
He did kill two people but those other two people were under the legal drinking limit, knew he had been heavily drinking and using cocaine, and still conciously chose to get on that boat. It is just as much their fault as it is his in my opinion. Not saying Fernandez isn’t a fuckhead for what happened, but I don’t…
Can anyone tell me what those gold medals are for?
The only issue I have is the left joycon losing the signal or desyncing. I have to sit in just the right position to keep the connection. I was luckily able to order a pro controller, that is waiting on my doorstep right now.
The arrogance of this bullshit response makes me ridiculously angry.
There was plenty of outrage from Fox News and other conservative news outlets concerning how much Obama playing golf.” The way I see it, this is only fair.
I don’t want to be hardcore. I just want to lose weight. Which I’ve done consistantly for the last couple years without “doing bear crawls in a rocky field” or climbing a “mountain of hardcoreness.”
I am a Cowboys fan. You are right. Dak came into a very advantageous situation behind one of, if not the best, offesinsive lines in football. Having Zeke also helps Dak’s situation, as much as the line also helps Zeke’s. Having said that, Brandon Weedon and Matt Cassel played behind the same offensive line last…
All the more reason to vote for Hillary, I say. I fucking love tacos.
So, I can use pretty much any usb controller? Even ps4 or xbone?
There isn’t a single good design in any of that shit.
I’m not very familiar with roguelikes so please forgive my ignorance, but how exactly do you beat a game like this? Do you just have to make a damn near flawless run through it? Or do you just never really beat the game?
This thing passed through my town, and I didn’t think to take a picture until it was too late. Everyone on a four lane road had to pull over so it could pass through. The thing is though I live in Breckenridge, TX. It was headed East on Highway 180, which runs right through my town headed toward the Dallas/Ft. Worth…
You are exactly right. Opinions are subjective. I think it is great that you have enjoyed the game so much. I just do not share that opinion. It was a decent game, with great controls and a ton of potential, but very poorly executed by a developer who seemed to have little regard for the launch community’s feedback.…
No reason to get sarcastic, when all I did was try to address your comment by trying to explain my original one. Apparently I didn’t do that very well.