
It interests me that as a life long Star Wars fan... that scene you snipped was my favorite.

“You think that’s the goal? DON’T BE RIDICULOUS, OF COURSE THAT’S THE GOAL!” ~ Billy Eichner, probably

So, he was an absolute moron with terrible judgment. But he confronted his stupidity, accepted his wrongness, and learned. In 2019, that seems like a fucking miracle.

Honestly, I feel like giving this guy a parade.

The other day while I was embarrassing myself at the gym, on a different empty court there was a kid, maybe twelve or thirteen, who spent an entire hour hoisting and clanking (if he was lucky) thirty-five footers with a jerky imitation of Steph’s shooting motion.

I don’t care how many shots he hits or total points he scores- watching James Harden play basketball just sucks.

I’m a lifelong Knicks fan so take my basketball knowledge and taste with whatever grain you choose but I personally feel that Steph Curry is the most entertaining player in the league to watch while James Harden is without a doubt the least. The Warriors will be better then people think this season for the very

I dunno, The Leftovers was nuanced and made a point to resist the kind of spectacle you’d expect with apocalyptic fiction. And black women are police officers in real life, so I strongly disagree that using a real world dilemma is contrary to “coherent” storytelling.

Fahey: And whatever he gets up to, he did it two episodes ago.

“That’s what a true Yankee star does, gift your fans with some swag and then leave them crying.”

“Oh, sure, when a Judge in Florida makes kids cry by giving them his bat, it’s filed to Things We Actually Like.
-Roy Moore

One day I hope to be as funny as you!

I give this trolling 2/10. Not really clever or original but you tried.

or 3) your parents parlay it into your 15 minutes (or more) of fame. The kid gets a DeMarcus Lawrence jersey for Christmas, parents contact the Cowboys public relations people and arrange a whole thing where he meets DeMarcus again after a game, gets his new jersey signed in front of media people, goes on the Today

I am an attorney. A bad one, but that is besides the point. I believe there a clause that any guarantees can be voided for “conduct detrimental to the team.” I would say committing a potential felony against the head coach and calling the GM “cracker” in front of the team meets that standard. But what do I know. 

I know it’s hip and cool and edgy to blame the Raiders for this, but I fail to see how they’re in the wrong. This ALL is 100% in Antonio Clown’s hands. 

took me 10 minutes to watch a 4 minute video.

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

Lets step back a little and look at the situation in basic terms. An employer has an employee demand a raise and then stop showing up for work when he doesn’t get what he wants. What happens to that employee? I know there’s more nuance to it than that, but his current rookie contract is a result of his Union’s

The only reason these coaches are fighting is because of how vague and sloppy this rule is.

“Behind every great man in a fight, is his girlfriend squawking like a crow with laryngitis.”