
What is wrong with House of Cards?

More importantly what is that thing in the middle left of the background?

This is incredibly sad, and just one more reason why I will never buy or sell anything on craigslist.

I hated this game so much by the time I finished it. When it first starts out the music is great and the environments are beautiful, but the last half of the game feels like you have been walking through the same corridor while fighting the same enemy over and over for six hours.

That picture in the header is fucking creepy.

Mistakes are made. Just like saying "a article" instead of "an article." Doesn't mean it wasn't a good read.

Well, there is nothing wrong with that. To each their own.

I'm a married man, and I can totally see how he is the sexiest man in Denmark.

I have to agree that this is probably th most disturbing show I have seen in a very long time. They continue to amaze me with what they can get away with.

My wife and I watched the first episode, and I quit. Not because it was freaky, but because that one episode felt like I watched it for about 5 years. It was awful. So seeing as you recommended it what is it that you like about it? I love werewolves and was really excited about the show. But I thought the first

Does anyone know when The Wind Rises is getting a video release on the US?

Wow, three day passes are gone already. I had to buy one days passes. Was still able to get them for all three days though. It will be a four hour drive for me, but I have family just outside of the city. Going to be a lot of fun.

Thankee, sai. Long days and pleasant nights.

The best games this year that I have played are Wolfenstein and Shovel Knight. They both surprised the hell out of me.

There is a PC version also, so I wouldn't be surprised if it did show up on PS4 and Xbox One later on. Especially with all of the good reviews it is getting.

I played through a couple levels last night, and I think you will be happy with the game when you play it. That is just based off of the first couple stages though. It could get more difficult as I progress. But I didn't encounter anything that I couldn't get past on the second or third try.

Stephen King's Dark Tower series.

Yeah I definitely remember a sax. It has been a long time since I've seen it though so I don't remember it in detail. I need to go back and watch this again.

Yeah, fun and silly is definitely the best way to describe it. I love the 1941 Wolf Man and it is obviously a play off of that, in the best way possible. In fact I would say Wolf was a better Wolf Man remake than the one with Benicio Del Toro a couple years ago.

I know it isn't the best movie ever, but I really really dig Wolf. Nicholson and Spader both, are delightfully awesome in this movie.