
Nothing to worry about. It works.


Wow. I've heard tales of his dickishness before, but luckily I had a good experience seeing him live. My wife and I saw him in 07 or 08, I can't remember when exactly. But he was great. Told stories to the audience and everything. He and The Cardinals played a great show.

It looks like they see the pods from inside the school though. I'm thinking that is a scene that is either from the Covenant dropping in during the invasion or actual ODSTs dropping in to stop in the invasion. That scene also takes place at night similar to all the other scenes from when the invasion seems to start.

I have read what happens when someone gets hit with a needler in The Fall of Reach. While it was probably the most graphic description of a wound in the book, it wasn't anything like the gore that is in the SST movie.

Honestly one of my favorite Halo games as well. I know a lot of people had issues with, but I loved it.

That crossed my mind too. Maybe by drop in she just meant use a drop ship, not orbital drop.

Well since Microsoft is financing this themselves, without going through a studio I think it looks ok. Especially since they had a budget of only $10-$15 million I believe. Not the Halo movie fans deserve really, but I think it will suffice for the time being.

Steven Downes is supposed to do the voice. I guess he just hasn't recorded his lines yet.

These cadets aren't Spartans in training. Just regular soldiers.

This actually takes place during the first contact with the Covenant on Harvest. It is supposed to be about how MC inspired the cadet that is featured in the trailer to be a better soldier. He eventually becomes the captain of The Infinity which I believe is the ship that crashes at the beginning of the Halo 4

Yes but the version that will come with the special edition will have 15 extra minutes of footage. That will bring it to a full 90 minute movie.

It doesn't have to have decapitations and severed limbs and tons of blood to give off a SST vibe. And it looks good without any of that stuff. That has never been what Halo was about, so it shouldn't be in the movie.

While I would certainly watch a movie that is just Chief fighting off the convenant for hours, I do agree with your point. I would love to watch a movie based on The Fall of Reach though to see the evolution the Chief went through to become the Chief we know now.

It is way more expensive to use CGI than put guys in suits.

I'm pretty sure it is the first contact on Harvest.

Wow, if you think that is a double chin i'd hate to see what you said about me.

Well in that case I apologize as well. The pissing contest a lot of gamers get in to just drives me crazy. Glad to see you were just joking about it.

I would literally kill for that remake.

Yet another reason not to buy this game. I wish they would just give me an HD remake of Resident Evil 2. I would never have to buy another RE game again.