
Sorry, I just can't stand the smugness of that picture.

Well if you enjoyed the movie, then you should give the books a go. I personally thought the movie was a mess.

You should just read the books. They are way better.

I agree completely. Hopefully they will stick to the rules that have been established in the existing universe, and make another fun walking dead game. If not, then I can just stick with the TT version.

Just because it says FPS doesn't mean it would be a guns-a-blazing game. It says it stars Daryl and Merle. Daryl prefers to use the crossbow to keep quiet. I'm sure they will have melee weapons too. Not trying to justify the decision, but it is perfectly feasible that they could go for a survival horror feel

That just makes me want to watch First Blood again. Not too sure what to make of the game though.

Yeah as good as everything has been so far, I'm willing to wait as long as we are getting another quality episode. I just hope they fix some of the technical problems they had in ep 2.

the ps3 version plays the same way. i didn't really have any issues with ep 1 but ep 2 awful. it wasn't game breaking, but it was pretty distracting sometimes.

See I'm a huge fan of 2001 the movie. I'm a huge fan of Kubrick period. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read the Odyssey series because I know 2001 is different than the movie. Do you think I would still enjoy the book?

Thanks. I'm going to put Expedition to Earth on my Amazon wish list right now.

Could you recommend a good start to Arthur C. Clarke? I would love to try out a couple of his books, but I don't know where to start.

Best. Fireworks. Show. Ever.

I wasn't trying to say you shouldn't be annoyed or anything because I agree about people needing to be considerate. My dogs were still baking after midnight because people were STILL shooting them off. I understand their kids are on summer break, but most of us have to work. (which is kind of a lame excuse for me

Well to be fair I think the indie film genre has a lot more to offer than just "expected hipster movies" but I know what you mean. I was excited for it as soon as I heard it was from James Gunn. Slither is one of my favorite monsters movies.

I loved that movie.

I live on the lake so there were people shooting them off all night last night and the night before. Doesn't really affect me that much, but my dogs were going batshit crazy every time one would go off. Which drives me batshit crazy. I was also afraid all the barking might wake up my daughter. I just put my

I would like to say Halo 2 get the same treatment that Combat Evolved got with the Anniversary Edition. That would be nice.

You should try it out. ODST was one of my favorite Halo games for sure.

These are amazing. I love the whole atmosphere and the creepiness. It reminds me of something David Lynch might do.