
I just preordered the limited edition of Halo 4. That is two limited editions that I have ordered so far this year. I also ordered the Colonial Marines LE. I wasn't going to go for the Halo 4 one, but they are going to have an extended version of the live action web series so I had to bite. Halo 4 is probably the

But that is the thing. She is exactly age appropriate for it. Have you seen Let Me In? I think she will pull Carrie off with no problem.

I'm getting the hang of this. I don't really think it is going to be that bad. Just a lot of clicking.

So is there anyone else who really doesn't care if the comment system is changing, besides me?

The elevator scenes is one of my favorites in the movie. It's a beautifully show scene. I love how it makes it seem like the are the only two people on the planet for those few seconds...and then she gets to see what he is really capable of.

So I watched all of the first season of Falling Skies on Sunday, and caught up completely on the second season. I have enjoyed the show a lot more than I thought I would. It isn't the best TV show out there, but it is a fun summer show. I like the characters and the story is good enough to keep my interest, even

You don't need to expand on his character. His first scene in Empire sells his badassery for me. You know he has to be ruthless when Vader makes a point to stop and look straight at him and tell him very adamantly,"No disintegrations." That one little gesture says a lot about him, and makes you want to know more.

I wasn't a big fan of Resistance 2 so it was hard for me to get excited about 3. I would like to go back and play it now though. I think I'm going to pick up the bundle and check it out. I haven't played all the way through Killzone 3 either so I might try it out as well.

While I was burning through the first season of Falling Skies this weekend, I realized that I haven't yet played Resistance 3. So I looked it up on Amazon and noticed that the bundle that comes with the game, move and the gun peripheral was only about $100. It looks like a good price, but I was wondering if anyone

The Shit's Frozen one is definitely my favorite.

She does make a comment during the briefing about how it was good to see the people she personally recruited again. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something along those lines.

Awesome, thanks for the heads up!

Ok thanks.

I think the scientists were awful because they were picked by Vickers. She wanted her father to fail, so she scraped the bottom of the barrell when putting the scientific crew together. I'm pretty sure she picked everyone except Shaw and Holloway.

Here is my theory for what happened at the beginning. This isn't completely mine though. It is a mix between my own theory and other people's that I have read on the internet.

Same here. Has there been any word on if or when it is coming to XBLA?

Yeah I agree completely. "I didn't know you had it in you."


I have never read any of the comics or anything, but I thought it was a fun movie when I was a kid. It has been a long time since I've seen it though. Might not hold up as well as I remember.

"You still have Zoidberg. YOU ALL STILL HAVE ZOIDBERG!"