
So I bought the Binding of Isaac this weekend. It is a lot of fun, but I had a hard time using they keyboard to control it. So I tried using ControlMK with a 360 controller and it worked great until I got to rooms with a lot going on. At that point I would lose control of Isaac. So tonight I'm going to try

Yeah one of my friends works for 38, and I feel awful for him. before this he was on unemployment for 6 months after losing his job at another studio that shut down. I'm hoping maybe he will end up being recruited. I haven't asked him what he plans on doing. I'm sure it is kind of a touchy subject for him right

Damn. I might have to stay away from it then. I know nothing about messing with game code. Maybe if I catch myself on a day I'm feeling brave and not so lazy I'll give it a go.

So I bought X-Com last night and just tried to jump into, but found that it won't so easy as that. I just printed off the instruction manual and plan on going through the provided tutorial provided.

I have a friend who works at 38, and the sad thing is that it wasn't even 38 that developed the game. It was Big Huge Games which is owned by 38 studios who developed it. Not that it is any more than fault than 38's that this is happening. It just seems like shitty deal all around. I feel for the employees and

It is certainly worth the trouble if you can tough it out. As hard as it is for me to play normally, I was able to adjust to it pretty easily.

Man that threw me off big time when I started playing. I don't know why but it is nearly impossible for me to not use inverted controls. I got used to it though and really enjoyed the first episode.

Lol. That's awesome. Moist is such a great work. Good luck getting everything set up.

Yeah no problem. I know it isn't the most ideal set up, but I'm going to enjoy playing Diablo 2 and X-Com on the big screen.

Yeah it is wireless. Nothing special, just a regular logitech wirelss keyboard and mouse.

I use two TV trays to put the keyboard and mouse on while i sit on our ottoman. Works really well actually.

So I just hooked my PC up to my TV in the living room. With all of this talk of Diablo 3 (which my computer can't run) I decided I would play some Diablo 2 co-op with some friends on my big screen. I'm also thinking about picking up a couple of PC games that I have missed out on. Since I enjoy turn-based strategy

i need to watch this.

what in the world is that from?

I really don't mean to sound so whiny, but they have ruined my favorite multiplayer game for me. Okay well maybe not the game itself, but the experience of the game has been ruined. I don't want to spend an hour and half on a single fucking map. I just want to get on and play regular rounds of conquest. Doesn't

If you like dice games you should try Quarriors. It is a blast to play. There is some strategy to it and the games are pretty fast paced when you have people that know who to play. Check it out. [www.amazon.com]

If you like dice games you should try Quarriors. It is a blast to play. There is some strategy to it and the games are pretty fast paced when you have people that know who to play. Check it out. [www.amazon.com]

I've really been wanting to play Talisman for awhile now, but I haven't bought it because I have no one to play with but my wife and i'm not sure she would like it.

I love playing board games. I just don't have anyone to play with, but my wife. I don't really have any friends around here that would be interested in these types of games. Makes me sad.

Point taken.