
I liked what Ned stood for. I just hate that he was too stubborn to realize he would have to suffer a little bit of disgrace for the betterment of the kingdom. I respect how he stuck to his guns in the face of it all though.

Well we certainly find out in A Storm of Swords he is capable of something like this, but that was due to a petty rivalry between him and a certain other child. Not from his seeing the bigger picture. Is it this revelation in Storm of Swords what you are talking about as far as his actions in the well being of

I don't think she wants Joffrey to know that she is concerned or that there is any truth to either of the rumors, especially the one about her and Jaime since that would completely nullify his right to the throne. She actually probably isn't too concerned if he knows about Robert's bastards because Joffrey could ask

If by children you mean the target audience, which is teenagers, then agree. I never really saw anything in any of the trailers or tv spots that showed that they were trying to market the movie to small children. The footage was pretty grim and bleak, and obviously showed there would be some violence by seeing

I could very well be wrong. Just from what I've seen so far he doesn't seam to have the capacity to think about the consequences of his parents actions on his claim/right to the throne.

I think you are probably right about how they are trying to mislead us. It will be interesting to see if we get to find out who did it this season.

A The Hunger Games was marketed to children?

I am the complete opposite. Jon Snow is by far my favorite character. I love the irony in that he is more like his father than any of Ned's "trueborn" sons. And I just love the whole story of the Journey beyond the wall, and his storyline in A Storm of Swords.

It has been a little while since I read the book, but I don't remember ever actually finding out who sends the City Watch to kill all of Robert's bastards. However, if I had to take a guess at it, I think it was Cersei and not Joffrey. As shown by Cersei and Joffrey's conversation in the throne room, she understands

One of my friends has recommended Ready Player One as well. It is one that I'm planning on reading soon. Thanks for the suggestion.

I have great memories of playing games, ever since I was a child. I've always been a gamer. It is very strange to me how I feel about them right now. I just get home from work, play with my daughter, get her to bed and then read or watch a movie or maybe play a board game with my wife if she isn't doing homework or

Some people aren't so cynical and jaded about the world that they aren't surprised by things like this. I'm fully aware of what happens in Africa and other parts of the world in general, but I was still very surprised at what happened in this video. Also, I'm sure if the owner lives in Africa they know too well

I agree with you about Fish. Fez looks great.

I haven't been doing a whole lot of gaming lately. In fact is has been over a month now since I have played a video game. I haven't really had any desire to go back to it yet. I've been reading a lot instead. I read the third book in The Song of Ice and Fire series, I read American Gods (which was fucking amazing)

It's from Donnie Darko. Great movie.

They're supposed to reciprocate.

They actually probably haven't read any Shakespeare yet, if they are in middle school. My wife is a high school english teacher, and they don't start reading Skaespeare until they are freshman. They start with Romeo and Juliet, and progress through different works throughout the next three years. That's how it goes

I really dig most his newer stuff, but I have to say Heartbreaker is my absolute favorite. That whole album is so honest and beautiful, and it is actually one of my favorites of all time. After that it is hard for me to pick any kind of order. My next favorites would have to be Gold, Demolition, Rock n' Roll,

I'm sorry, I picked the wrong choice of words. I should not have said my own moral belief system. I should have been more elaborate. What I meant by that, is that I am just as capable of developing a belief system that is as acceptable socially, as the one that is laid out for you in the bible. Anyway I know that

So are you saying that just because I don't believe in a God or religion in any shape or form, that I am incapable of developing my own moral belief system, and would therefore be unable to be civil and respectful of a person while simultaneously not agreeing with their belief system? I live in a small Texas town