
I'm about to finish Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box. Just like the first one it took me a little while to get started, but once I do get into, it is all I want to do. Just play this game. I'm going to play Bowser's inside story after this and then either move on to Professor Layton and the Unwound Future or

They just announced today that The Last Story will be published by XSeed here in the states later this year. I will be getting ME3 for sure but probably not on day one. I recently started a New Game + on ME2 and I'm going to have to finish that before I can start 3. I am looking forward to Mechwarrior Tactics which

I'm finding that there really aren't that many games coming out this year that I want to play. After Mass Effect 3 really the only other games I can think of are Darksiders 2 and Bioshock Infinite. Strangely enough the games that I'm really excited for are all JRPGs. Xenoblade, The Last Story and Ni No Kuni. That

Fucking sweet. I can't wait to get my hands on it.

I would love to try it out. Unfortunately, I just had to replace my backwards compatible PS3 pretty recently, so I have no way to play it. Have you tried Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey? I've never played and of the SMT games either, and they look interesting.

Very nice. I never played any of the Xenosaga games on PS2, but I will be picking up Xenoblade for sure when it is released in the US.

I have been looking at it thanks to the earlier suggestion. Looks like a very interesting game. They have it available on Amazon, but it is a little pricey. The space battles look like a lot of fun though, and I like idea of being able to build my own fleet. I'm going to try it out as soon as I can.

Yeah everything has been very positive, and I'm glad it is getting and official release from NoA. Really looking forward to that game. Since it comes out right around the same time as my birthday it will make for a great present to myself.

Loved KOTOR. That is actually the game that got me started playing RPGs.

Thank you very much for the suggestion. I will certainly check it out.

I've never played that one. That came out way before I really got into playing RPGs. I didn't really plays any until a few years ago. Do you know if Xenosaga and Xenoblade are in any way tied together? I'm planning on buying Xenoblade when it comes out for sure. Looks like a really fun game.

Yeah I'm a big Mass Effect fan, and I love Fallout. Never played the original Deus Ex games, but I didn't care for the new one too much. I know there are sci-fi RPGs out there. Just seems like the ratio favors fantasy wayyy more. Not to say that's a bad thing. I would just like to see sci-fi get more love in the

Why doesn't sci-fi get more love in RPGs? I love fantasy, I really do. And I love fantasy/sci-fi mash-ups. But why aren't there more just straight up sci-fi themed RPGs? I've been looking for a RPG or SRPG to play on my DS, but haven't been able to find anything that I might want to play yet.

I was certainly hoping to see Razorback mentioned. For some reason I loved that movie when I was a kid.

Yeah I kind of figured, just wasn't really worried about what his name was. I just can't stand the guy.

Sorry but I do really care about the developers and that is why I buy 98% of my games new. The devs may not actually see much money from those sales, but they do get the sales numbers. Which means they make money for the publishers and they will stay open to continue making games that I like. Sadly the game

Ok, I understand a little better now. Lower the overall price of the new game, then the used copy would automatically be lower. I'm certainly not arguing that game prices shouldn't be lowered, I just didn't understand your reasoning at first.

I don't think that video proves a point at all. I can't stand the guy from the Jimquisition videos, and this video didn't do anything to make me feel any different.

This makes absolutely no sense. When you buy the game new, you are already paying for what the pass would have cost if you bought it used. I don't understand how your arguement changes how they system works right now.

Isn't the girl the little girl from Growing Pains?