
I played about 20 minutes of it last night after I finished Skyward Sword. Just enough to finish the opening cutscenes and then play around for about 10 minutes or so. I really like how it controls so far, and how they handled the camera angles. My only complaint so far is only being able to fire rockets from the

The PS3 should support 1080i. You may have to go into the display settings and do it yourself though.

Do what I do when I get in a rut. Find a few good comics or books to read. This time of year can be very overwhelming for a gamer, it is easy to get burned out. Just take a break for a little while.

Finished Skyward Sword last night. It was a great game. I'm probably going to wait a month or two and then try out the Hero Mode. I'm really excited to get to Metroid: Other M, but I'm going to have to wait. I'm going to let my friend borrow my Wii so he can play Skyward Sword. So I guess it's back to Skyrim.

This looks awesome. I need to check this out soon.

Yeah I don't either. I laid off of it quite a bit this weekend and got back into some Battlefield 3 instead, just to delay it a little longer. I would love to play through it again, I'm going to let my friend borrow my Wii so he can play it. :(

I can't remember what the little guy's name is, but that isn't at all how I pictured him when reading the book.

Certainly agreed. I hope they never add voice acting. I love the weird noises the NPCs make as they are "talking." They don't need voice acting. The noises they make do a perfect job of letting me know what inflection to use while I am reading their speech. Plus the noises crack me up.

I really need to finish Valkyria Chronicles.

I haven't gotten everything. I'm trying to get as many of the chests available to open as I can, but I haven't got all of them. I also haven't done all of the sidequests. I've got 40 gratitude crystals and I think there are 80 in all, but I'm not entirely sure on that.

I guess I'm going to have to give it a go then. Been a long time since I've played an RE, but I'm looking forward to it.

I'm not sure sure there is such a think honestly:) Thank you though. I think I am going to go ahead and get it. It's only $11.99 Used - Like New on Amazon. My Wii is getting a lot of love all of the sudden.

I'm probably going to play it eventually. I really enjoyed Heavy Rain and I love the Jurassic Park movie and book. There have just been too many other games coming out lately that I wanted to buy. I'll probably wait and play it, during the drought this summer.

Thanks for your input. That's all I'm looking for is an RE experience that is like the originals.

Well I have only bought the remake of the original game. I haven't bought 0 yet, and honestly still don't know if I'm going to.

I've read up on it several times over, but I've never been able to bring myself to buy the game. I don't know, I'll have to think about it a little more I guess.

That was certainly a very touching moment in the game. I got there this weekend. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be able to finish the game tonight. I'll probably clock in at right at or around 40 hours. It is definitely my game of the year.

I always just bookmark the blog view and use the bookmark to navigate to it.

Finally bought the GC version of Resident Evil. I've played the all of the Playstation originals several times over, but I never did play the Remake of the first game or Resident Evil 0. I'm excited about playing it. From what I've read it seems like it is a fresh take on the original, while still mostly keeping

Yeah man. Hopefully I'm getting a great game, that I will end up enjoying a lot. If not well at least I helped out. Not a bad deal either way.