
I'm not really into JRPGs honestly. I've never really played any Final Fantasy games. The only JRPG I have played and completed was Chrono Trigger. But I think I'm going to buy this game. It will be refreshing for me to try something new, and even if I don't like it at least I will be helping show Nintendo of

It was certainly a little slower getting started than previous Zelda games. After the first temple it really takes off. I haven't been able to put it down since.

Haha, thanks. She already has the awesome part down.

That is awesome. My wife and I have actually just started talking about how it won't be too long until I'm going to have to start watching what games I play while she is around. She is starting to pay more and more attention to what is on the TV screen now.

I would love to rent it, but we have no way of renting games where I live. I can't wait for my daughter to try out some games. She is just over a year old right now and wants nothing more than to hold any controller she can get her hands on. I can't wait until she can actually play the games.

I'm tempted to check it out since it has the older gameplay from earlier Kirby games. I was just a little wary because my wife and I couldn't get into Epic Yarn. I may have to check it out.

Have you played Return to Dreamland yet? If so what do you think of it?

You make a very good point about the baby metroid from Super Metroid and the story in Fusion. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game. I'm actually kind of mad at myself for waiting this long to play it, but at the same time a $5 game is awesome.

I agree with everything you have had to say about Skyward Sword. I really like how the areas leading up to the temples have a simplified dungeon layout to them. It has made for a very compelling game all the way through. Not that I haven't enjoyed every other Zelda game I've played, but it makes the traveling

Well that is actually why it's taken so long for me to buy it. But I figured it was time for me to make my own decision about the game. I'm sure I'll enjoy the gameplay because it is after all a Metroid game. Plus everything I've read about the gameplay itself has been just fine. It has been the story that has

Honestly the big blow up with story for Other M is why I've stayed away from it for so long. But I love the franchise, and I don't think I'm doing to find a better deal thank $4.99 so I had to bite. I agree with the no voice acting comment. I think Skyward Sword works just fine without it. I think it would be

Thanks to Skyward Sword, I'm not really missing Skyrim at all. I'll get back to it eventually.

Straight magic is a good way to go I think. I've play with the melee a little bit, but it is clunky and I'm much more comfortable just shooting fireballs at someone.

I haven't been disappointed with one yet. They have been one of my favorite parts of the game. Of course in my opinion everything about the game is great.

I am almost 30 hours into Skyward Sword and I love it. I can't think of a better game that I've played this year. Arkham City and Skyrim probably comes the closest, but I think Skyward Sword edges them out. I'm really enjoying the (mostly) new items, and how I am asked to use them. Plus the boss fights have been a

Turns out I had jumped the gun on trying to find her. Based on Totilo's tips for the game, I thought that you had to find her the first time you came out of the Goddess Temple and you talked to the mom. I didn't know it actually started after I came out of the Goddess Temple following my return from Faron Woods. I was

Turns out I had jumped the gun on trying to find her. Based on Totilo's tips for the game, I thought that you had to find her the first time you came out of the Goddess Temple and you talked to the mom. I didn't know it actually started after I came out of the Goddess Temple following my return from Faron Woods. I

I haven't looked at a walkthrough yet. This is the only thing I've asked anyone about, and I don't mind asking for help on the side quests. The main story quests though I haven't had any trouble with. There have been some puzzles that really made me think, but I like that. I'm really enjoying Skyward Sword.

Thanks for the help. Hopefully I'll be able to find her tonight.

Thanks. I had tried talking to everyone that I saw and even went in all the homes and tried talking to the people that I found in them. I was still never able to get any info on her. I'll keep trying.