
Ok, I have to get something off my chest here. Just a warning this may be a little long. I recently got tired of the way Nintendo was handling the 3DS and decided to trade mine in, along with my copy of Ocarina of Time 3D, to Amazon. Yesterday morning I got an email saying that my trade-in items had been received,

I'll be questing and killing Zombies in Dead Island. One of my friends is going to let me borrow Deus Ex: HR, but between Dead island and Gears of War 3 Coming out next week I'm not sure where I'm going to find the time to play it.

Sweet. Add one more dent in my wallet.

Please tell me they plan to localize this for the US and Europe. PLEASE?!?!

I'm having a lot of fun with this game. I'm really enjoying a Zombie game with 1st person melee combat. I've been using the analog control mode also, where you have to push up on the stick to lift the weapon and then bring the stick down to actually swing the weapon (or vice versa if you play inverted like me). The

Very eloquently said, and it's a great point you make.

Why is the world is this the featured comment? I don't mean to judge. I have no faith in any god at all, that much is true, and you have ever right to your belief as well. However this comment doesn't really even have anything to do with the article.

I'm thinking that retailers just didn't think it was going to sell as well as it has.

Holy shit, I'm having a hard time tracking down a copy of Dead Island. All the near-by Wal-marts in the area are sold out. All three Gamestops are sold out, and Best Buy is sold out. My only hope right now is at Target in Abilene an hour away. My sister lives over there luckily and is going to check for me on her

I concur.

We have had fires all around us all summer, but luckily the town I live in hasn't been in danger yet. We've come very close a couple of times. I do however live about 45 minutes away from Possum Kingdom lake, and they have had a rough year with fires. I feel sorry for those people. I hope the fires don't give you

It wasn't until I read that this was true that I regretted buying a 3DS. I have supported the system since launch. I bought the system and two okay titles a couple days after the system launched. I have tried my best to have faith in Nintendo this whole time, but I think my faith has run out.

Trust me, I'm not complaining about the reading part. It has been great actually, and it has reminded me how much I love to read. I've ready six books in the last 2 months, and I have several that I still want to read.

I certainly will keep reading. I've read more this summer than I have it a long time. It made me realize how much I miss reading. It has been very refreshing.

what service do you use to play?

I'm in a big time gaming rut at the moment. I haven't finished Infamous 2, and I don't really have any desire to. I just can't get back into that game. I tried playing enslaved and I can't get into it. I can't get into Valkyria Chronicles either. The 10 free NES games on my 3DS are great to have, but I only play

The stories might have a few similarities, but overall I don't see how they anything alike.

I love The Big Lebowski. I think it is certainly their funniest movie. I haven't seen the Ladykillers either now that I think about it. I also Love Barton Fink, and I really enjoyed their take on True Grit. It is really so hard to pick a favorite.

I'm pretty sure Miller's Crossing is the only Coen Brothers movie I've never seen. I need to check that one out. I love the Coens. The only movie of theirs I haven't really cared for was A Serious Man. Everything else I've really enjoyed.