
It's amazing how much that game still holds up. The graphics are obviously dated the but game play certain still stands the test of time. Such a great game.

ohhhh ok. see i was just trying to save it like you can with gameboy games i've downloaded. i didn't know it would just resume when i started it back up. that's good to know. thank you sir.

Has anyone checked out the Ambassador NES games yet? I got them all downloaded, but I was only able to play one level of SMB before I had to go to work. It looked great. I am a little disappointed that I wasn't able to save my progress. I guess I should have seen that one coming though...I guess I'll just have to

In a couple of the reviews for Battle of Westeros, I've heard pretty much the same thing you said, that it really improves on the regular BattleLore gameplay. I would like to try BattleLore out but it is a little pricey until I find out if I really like it or not. I think I'm going to go with BoW for the time being.

i am actually watching a video review for quarriors right now, and it looks like a very fun, fast paced game.

I will certainly check out that site. Can you suggest any games that you have played?

Thanks for the suggestions. I will look into all of these.

Thanks for taking the time to give such a detailed answer. I've been trying to decide which to buy. I've heard that M44 is great for beginners, but as much as I love the history of WWII I wanted something with a fantasy setting. I think I am going to order Battle for Westeros as soon as I can.

Thanks, I'll check those out.

I've been looking at playing a couple of different board games lately. I really want to play something strategy based. I've checking into the Battle of Westeros Battlelore game and also Memoir 44. Can anyone tell me if these games are any good and would they be good for a beginner to get into? I would also be open

I have been thinking about trying out Devil Survivor Overclocked. Can't decide if I want to or not though. It looks really interesting though.

Donkey Kong from the eShop is a must have. Also if you are looking for another full retail game Ghost Recon: Shadow Wars is a lot of fun and there is a ton of content there.

Yeah I understand that the equipment won't give me better speeds from my provider. I'm just looking to make a more consistent and efficient connection. I already have a network set up. just looking to streamline everything.

I'm hoping someone can help me with a question. Can anyone tell me if this router will actually help my speeds at all? My internet connection is not very fast because I live in a small town. I only get about 3mb down and probably about 1 - 1.5mb up. I don't have a great modem or anything. It is just whatever

I enjoyed Bastion a lot and I loved Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet. I tried the demo for From Dust, but I just couldn't get into it at all. I don't think I'll be getting any of the other summer of arcade games either. I really enjoyed the two I paid for this year though.

I tried the demo for From Dust and just couldn't really get into it. A friend of mine said its gets really good the further you get into it though. Maybe I'll check it out soon.

That is what I meant. Can't change it now though...

Shit...I meant to put a blast and its too late for me to go back and change it. Fail.

Good album. Great Band.

I've seen all the movies but I haven't finished the books. I've read the first two books but haven't made it any further than that. Its going to be hard for me to ever read the books because one of the things I love about reading a book is picturing in my mind everything that is going on. With Harry Potter I'm not