
I finished Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet yesterday. That game was a black. It's one of my favorite downloadable games I've played. I hope they come out with some DLC as the main menu indicates with the Downloadable Content tab.

Yeah I noticed the Downloadable Content tab on the menu as well. Hopefully we will get some extra content in the future. I actually didn't know anything about the game until the summer of arcade line-up was announced. It immediately reminded me of pixeljunk shooter on the gameplay side, and I loved the art style.

Impressions on Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet?

I have had my eye on this game for quite a while. I wasn't positive that I was going to buy it until I played through the demo though. I started playing the game last night, but I haven't made it that far yet. I can say that based on the demo and what little of the actual game I've played so far, that Catherine is

Fuck yeah!!

Congrats on the awesome win!

I was surprisingly pleased last week with Donkey Kong. I have to say that I am not real excited about Tennis. I love the game of tennis but if I want to play tennis, I'll play Topspin. Can't expect great games every week though. Hopefully they will make it up to us next week.

dowingba is right though. it's actually the version of the game you think you remember playing the first 20 times you play it. it's amazing.

I like the Stones but I fucking love The Beatles. The Beatles are still one of the most influential bands in music history.

Exactly what snazzy_andrew said man. there is nothing wrong with being black. shitty people come in all shapes and sizes. look at the crazy bitch Casey Anthony that's on trial right now for killing her daughter.

I honestly think the gamecube controller is the most comfortable controller I've ever used.

The only retail I have anywhere near me is Wal-Mart (I live in a pretty small town) and when Nintendo releases there stuff on Sunday they don't ever have it available until the next Tuesday or Thursday. I hate it.

I had a Sonic game for my GG, but I can't remember what it was called. I do remember thinking as a kid that it wasn't as fun as the console version though. I'm interested to see what all they make availabe for the GG in the future for sure.

Link's Awakening has really surprised me as far as the size and substance of the game. Like i said it reminds me a lot of ALttP. It has certainly been a spectacular game so far, and not just for a handheld game but for any game in general. It seems to be a more than fulfilling Zelda experience.

It's certainly been well worth it to me. I can see why so many people still love the game to this day. It's amazing how big of a game they were able to fit into such a small cartridge back then.

I certainly am. The only portable gaming system I had was a GameGear. So it's great for me to get to go back and play some of these great games that I missed out on. I'm also excited that they are going to have some GG available on the eShop. Hopefully Surf Ninjas will make an appearance. I just hope the game

I never had a Gameboy or GBC growing up. So honestly the eShop was a huge selling point for me with the possibility to play three Zelda games, a few Mario games, a Metroid game and a Kid Icarus game that I never got to play was an easy sell. In my opinion ,the eShop has definitely paid off so far.

I was actually referring to how the experience for me (i play inverted on everything from flight games to FPSs) to someone who doesn't play inverted just because we play one way or the other. Its the same game either way. We just choose to play it differently, but every player plays every game differently anyway.

up comes from back in the day before we had joy sticks and only used D-pads man. It isn't wrong to say you hit up to go down because that is what you used to do on the d-pad.

I don't really understand how playing inverted or not changes the gameplay experience. I just didn't get the whole thing. I don't see how it would really make things that much easier on developers either. Is it really hard to make the Y axis interchangeable between non-inverted or inverted? I wasn't really aware