
I go infamous 2 last week and I have barely touched it. I've been busy with Link's Awakening, Super Mario Land and Excitebike. I will be getting Donkey Kong as soon as I get home as well.

I appreciate the help. Thank you.

Can anyone tell me how to change it to green?

Anyone try out the Duke Nukem demo this weekend? If so what are your thoughts? I, sadly, wasn't too impressed with it. I'm debating cancelling my pre-order now. I don't know maybe I should play through it one more time...

I think it is actually TJ Miller.

Not unless they get someone who can score besides Rose.

What difference does it really make if someone says they are a huge gamer? You were gaming long before it became cool and you'll still be gaming long after the fad has passed. That's all that matters right?

I won't even get to go out playing L.A. Noire because I'll be at a fucking wedding man.

But what if when you cut yourself you just like to lick the blood from the cut? I mean everyone does that...right...?

She is seriously one of the sexiest women on the planet. I kind of have a thing for redheads though. That's why I married one. :)

Haha! That would be awesome.

Who really knows anymore? It's kind of like trying to figure out what time zone to go by when trying not to feed a Gremlin after midnight. It's also just about as realistic as actually owning a Gremlin. Just sayin...

I don't think we are going to have another American Century. I would say China is building it's way to being the other super power, and if we don't see some economic growth soon we are going to belong to them. It's hard to say what is in store for our country right now as fucked up as our political system is. It's

Great game. I played it nonstop until I got all of the endings.

Not trying to brown nose either. I just think Stephen is a very good and thoughtful writer.

Another very well written article. Thanks Stephen.

Looks like I won't get to play much multiplayer.

I love the Twin Peaks piece. Such a great show.

No need to apologize, I think I'm the one that misread or misunderstood your comment.

I beg to differ sir. Growing up all I had were consoles. I didn't have access to a computer that I could actually play games on until I was about 13 because my parents just weren't interested in having a computer. Consoles are just what I know and am more comfortable with when it comes to gaming. That doesn't mean