
I'm positive I will buy this game no matter what. I have a fever, and the only prescription is more Green Lantern.

I had no idea it even existed. If it weren't for my recommendations on Amazon I might not have heard about it for much much longer. Its a really solid, fun puzzle game. Hope you enjoy it.

That's awesome.

So I got three of the six endings from 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors this weekend, and all I can say so far is HOLY SHIT! This game has me hooked. I can't wait to get home this afternoon and start working on getting one of the other endings. I really wanted to know what the hell is going on.

I'm really hoping to find out how Gabriel ended up becoming "the prince of darkness.". I have to say I was very surprised to find out that was him, but it certainly got my attention.

Warning! There may be spoilers ahead!

Honestly I'm just a fan of the Coen Brothers period. Raising Arizona is another great one.

Well I'm glad they are showing up for you now.

Amplitude rocked my gaming world. I'd never played anything like it before. I had seen a friend of mine playing it all the time and wrote it off thought it looked stupid. Then one day I actually sat down and tried it. I was unable to put the controller down. It was a very enlightening moment for me gaming wise.

Now go watch Barton Fink and Fargo.

Honestly I didn't really expect it to happen anyway. Just some wishful thinking. I don't think Harmonix is going to have to completely reinvent the music genre in gaming in order to keep from going down the same path that Guitar hero did though.

I played through it a couple of times. Then waited...and waited...and waited...but DLC was nowhere to be found. Hopefully they will do a sequel to it at some point.

You can't leave me hanging like that.

In the wake of Guitar Hero being retired (for the time being anyway) who here thinks that to keep things fresh, Harmonix should make a sequel to Amplitude instead of Rock Band 4?

Shadow Complex was a fucking great game. I was really sad there was never any DLC for it.

Yeah it does look very strange. Another thing that turns me off about it right now is that it doesn't look near as good as any of the other 3DS games I've seen so far. Granted these could be some very early screen for the game though.

Try out blue waffle then. Just remember before you search for that there are some things you can't unsee.

I watched the same video. I love Extra Credits. Those guys do a great job making those videos every week. There are a few other videos on there that I watch weekly as well but Extra Credits is def my favorite.

I've had no problem viewing replies to my comments by going to my account page. Maybe no one has replied to any of them.

I haven't started DS2 yet. I'm still working on finished up Castlevania: LoS, but I'm disappointed to hear the Javelin gun isn't very useful. I liked it a lot in the demo.