
Yeah I agree completely. I'm not going to pay microtransactions for any game. ever.

So how does everyone feel about the announcement of Galaga coming to the 3DS? I was really excited when I first started reading the article. Then it said that Galaga was going to be a 1st person space shooter. I understand that they wanted to do something fresh with the franchise but I'm just not sure that was the

Yours isn't too shabby either sir.

Man this game looks amazing. I'll be picking this up day one.

I actually just started watching Doctor Who. I figured I might as well see what it's all about. I've only watched the first episode from when the series started back up in 2005, and I have to say it was a little out there. Not that I didn't enjoy the quirkiness of it, but I keep telling myself it can only get

Its going to be a good week for me game wise. I'm going to be finishing up Castlevania: LoS which is a fucking brilliant game. I'm also getting 9 hours 9 persons 9 doors and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn in the mail today. I'm also waiting on Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Star Wars: Republic Commando to arrive from

Look at that kid. I bet you a million dollars he knows exactly what he did, and he's just playing his mother. Not that she isn't at fault as well. That's why you should just buy gold cards and points cards or use parental controls. The parental controls aren't hard to set up. I love how she is making excuses

@Brian Crecente How long do you let your son play a day? My wife and I have baby girl. I know it's going to be awhile before she can play games. Hell, she may not even like video games, but me being the gamer that I am, my wife and I have talked about the limits we will put on her gaming habits. I was just curious

I'm actually kind of looking forward to it. I think this is looking to be a lot better than the previous entry.

I love reading all the comments of the people bitching about the new layout. Makes for a very entertaining day.

I have!

I have been a member of Goozex for about a year and a half. I've had a lot of games I've added to my request list and either received or taken off for some reason or another. But there is one game on my request list that has stayed there the entire time. That game is Star Wars: Republic Commando and I finally got a

@Novasys: Well my real name is Wade and when I was in highschool I played basketball. One day in practice someone randomly called me weezey. It stuck with my teammates and my friends. It eventually turned into weez and then weezle. 41 was my basketball number because when I was a kid I was a fan of Glen Rice and

@RambaRal: I'll be picking it up for sure.

@Manly McBeeferton: Luckily I live in a area of my town where all of our neighbors are all old people. My wife and I hardly ever lock our door. We do live in a small town as well though.

@Arok_Lazarus: Mine is a close tie between Parks and Recreation, Modern Family and 30 Rock. Its really hard for me to pick one between those 3 but I would probably have to lean towards Parks and Rec. I just love all of the characters especially Ron. I feel the same way about 30 Rock too though. The characters are

@kshortes: I'm in Texas as well. Its fucking freezing. The ice on the roads is a few inches thick right now and it isn't supposed to be above freezing until friday. Even then it is only supposed to be in the high 30s low 40s. I don't remember the last time it was this bad around here.

@Good news, everyone!: The demo will be public, but gamestop employees will be able to play the demo before everyone else.

@Diamond Sea: I just picked up 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 doors, and I almost got Ghost Trick too. But I couldn't decide between it and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn so I didn't get either one. I'm very interested in Ghost Trick though. I need to check it out soon.

These pictures are full of win.