
@Patrick M.: Actually that is exactly what the court of appeals is for. For when you appeal a previous ruling. Which is exactly what they did. And it isn't about how old the judge is its how they interpret the law.

Ok so not I'm about 10 hours in to KotOR 2 and I'm not really diggin it all that much. Its pretty boring so far. I'm just not getting into the story like I did with the first one. And the missions haven't been engaging at all. I'm gonna sit down with it a couple more times this week and if my opinion doesn't

@OLD GREG: Well I'm just in the situation now where I don't have the money to buy it. No big deal I'll get around to it eventually.

I'm really starting to wish I would have pre-ordered this game. As badly as I want to play it, I think I'm still more excited for Fallout.

@bloggerX: You should def just buy link to the past or ocarina of time on on virtual console.

I will be playing KotOR 2 as much as possible. I just finished the first one a couple of weeks ago for the first time so now I'm making my way through 2. I have to say that I think this one bogs down easier than the first one. Still enjoying it so far though. Only about 5 hours in. Hopefully it will be as good of

@Culebra: It would. But if it has been over a week I think/hope you are in the clear. Hope you enjoy the game. I myself have never played Pokemon either. Maybe I should check it out. How do you like it so far?

@jacobuj: I thought the same thing. I think that would be the best way to bring the story to another media. It could be a great game if done right.

@AcidSnake: Dude that is the most epic run-on sentence I have ever seen. Kudos to you good sir.

@Culebra: You had no choice. I just hope the poor guy or girl doesn't come in there and try to claim the game now. That would be even worse. Good luck to you though good sir. I probably would have done the same thing.

@VirusHunter: I actually just started KotOR 2 last night after finishing the first one for the first time a couple weeks ago. I don't find it to be that much different than the first.

now i honestly regret not getting this.

@Weezle41: Thanks to everyone for all you're suggestions. Looks like I'll be getting it.

I am trying to decide if I should get Demon's Souls are not. The world and atmosphere looks so cool. I have to admit that I'm a little intimidated by the difficulty level. Is it worth the time and effort?

Blaine is a pain and that is the truth.

@blalien: Its makes Roland's journey that much more tragic. I wonder how many times he has done it.

@gotezula: gotta love those lobstrosities.