
@Blue Ninja: That is exactly what is supposed to happen. But I'm right there with you. I hope he ends up being the right man for the job.

I am cautiously optimistic about the Dark Tower series coming to the small and big screen. If done well it could be amazing. Such a great series of books.

@SonOfAbraham: I can't tell you how it ends. I hate doing that. But it is an amazing series of books. One of my favorites for sure.

@Asbestos_Underwear: Yeah but for some reason over the course of history it has become okay to wipe out your own people. It's when you start trying to wipe out other countries that people start getting pissed.

Are there any games in the silent hill franchise past 2 that are worth playing?

@Xeo: I have been trying to decide if I should play oblivion or not. I can't come to a conclusion. I loved Fallout 3 and I've been wanting to play a game with a big world to explore.. Not sure if I will like it though. Been thinking I might just wait for New Vegas to come out.

@Goffee: Don't worry I just got rid of my Modern Warfare 2 to go back to COD4. The first Modern Warfare is a much better investment in my opinion.

@Kobun: Thanks. I've def gonna check out VOOT.

@Yossarian: Yeah I've already played it and beat it. Just mailed it off through Goozex. Very good game too.

Can anyone suggest a good games with giant robots killing each other and blowing shit up?

Looks pretty fuckin sweet if you ask me. Which none of you did, but that still doesn't change the fact that they are sweet...

This is great news. I'm very excited. Brings back some great memories of being an 11 years old playing a game I probably shouldn't have been playing. good times.

@excaliburps: If you want to try to catch us on some battlefield sometime my gamertag is cherryghost41.

@ttocs: I'll be catching up on a few other games I haven't finished up until next month when the 3 games I'm looking forward to start coming out. I'm also looking forward to Portal 2.

@excaliburps: Yeah its great having a group like that. We have a lot of fun. And you're definitely right about winning a match when there is only a couple of you playing.

@Weezle41: Didn't mean to reply to myself.

@blaaps: But in such a glorious way.

@ttocs: Castlevania, Fallout New Vegas and The Force Unleashed 2.