
@Xeriel: No computers in texas pretty much says it all and sums it up well.

@PS1: And the controls didn't bother me at all. it was just like playing it on NES, i though.

@PS1: I thought NSMB Wii was fantastic. I really enjoyed being able to play through the game with my wife and brother in law. We had a blast with it.

@Angry_Giant: The Quick and the Dead isn't a bad movie. Its just not one of the better westerns I can think of right off the top of my head. There are several more modern westerns that are much much better than The Quick and the Dead. It, to me, feels like it was adapted out of a comic book. Just by the way it was

@Tyrunn: LOL. You really should try a PB&J sandwich with grape jelly. It is one of my favorite foods ever. Much better than any other jelly for a PB&J sandwich if you ask me.

@Skyward Sonik: Thanks. I'll definitely be checking this out soon.

@Dr.Venture54321: We will have to agree to disagree then. I hope that it does become more enjoyable for you though.

@Mooncow27: I hope you're right, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

@Kobun: Actually I've already bought it and just haven't gotten around to playing it yet. Once I FINALLY get finished with RDR and get War For Cybertron finished up I'm gonna have to tackle this bad boy. I've heard nothing but good things about it.

@Skyward Sonik: I'm a big Zelda fan and that is exactly why I want to check it out. And the art style intrigues the hell out of me. Just looks like a really pretty game. I guess I'm just gonna have to break down and pick it up. Would you recommend the Wii or the PS2 version?

@Dr.Venture54321: In my opinion this season is waaaaaayyyy better than last season. I loved the first season, but I got really bored, really fast with the Maryanne storyline they drug out all season in season 2. I've really enjoyed the first few episodes even more than the entire second season.

@JRock: Is that the RPG on the Xbox Indie channel?

@KindaGamey: I like the way you think sir. If anything it will make me feel better about myself when I do sit and play games all day.

@nowdevidebyzero: To be honest I've never even really thought about it. I've never had a problem with it. I'll have to try turning it off and see what I think.

@Mooncow27: I really don't know why you would care. I just have no desire to see this rebooted. I'd rather go back and watch re-runs.

@Skyward Sonik: This is a game that I really want to play and just never have gotten around to doing so. Maybe once I get done with some of my back catalogue I'll finally pick it up and play. I know I would love it if I did but I just have so many other games to play.

@TickleMeFetus: I actually haven't tried out the co-op because none of my friends have the game. But I'm having a blast with the campaign. I just finished off the decepticon part of the game and i'm about to start the autobot portion.

@Jekku: Nope I know all of those. I'm starting to think that maybe I dreamed it or something.

@BattleMoose87: Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption are the two that immediately come to mind.