
@Ajh: No that's not it. Thanks for trying though. I'll keep searching.

@Ajh: I was born in 85 so the time period i'm thinking of would have been late 80s to mid 90s.

@Donkler: No it wasn't Heavy Metal. Great movie but I'm sure that's not it. Thanks for trying though.

Ok I'm hoping you guys can help me figure out the title of an animated movie that I remember in my childhood. I'm pretty sure it came on the disney channel, and I'm also pretty sure that the main character was a duck but I'm not positive. I only remember bits and pieces of the movie but I know I liked it a lot when

@grantanamo: that is understandable and probably what I would do if I felt that way about it like you do. I just don't have a problem with it, and I don't feel it takes away from the rest of the site. I just don't read it.

@Roth: All things on the internet get abused eventually.

I think a promotion system kind of like Reddit has where readers and bump comments up or down based on votes or thumbs up/thumbs down would be great. I think that would make it easier for unstarred individuals like myself to have their voice heard in the comments.

@Kanji08: What exactly went down? I've been on vacation and didn't even know about all this till just now.

@grantanamo: I believe that they have mentioned that in articles regarding the iphone games and stuff like that. But I could be wrong too and be thinking about an article I read in a magazine or something.

@Franky_AAA: I agree with you. I have been commenting on here for awhile now, and it seems like a lot, not all, but a lot of the star commenters I see don't have a lot to say about the topic, except for some kind of pun or joke. It isn't that I don't enjoy these things, but I do try to have intelligent conversations

@Koztah: What exactly happened? I've been on vacation away from a computer and I'm lost as to why DeanB got booted.

@BattleMoose87: As much as I think the internet has helped the gaming industry, I think it may have hindered it just as much. I agree. There are far too many games that are released that are buggy to the point of being unplayable because they say,"We can fix that with a patch later." *Stares very strongly in MW2's

@ryoshi: Agree with gunflame. Def not overrated at all.

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: Not a wasteland but a world that had been affected by nuclear dust/fallout. While everything was technologically advanced there were still big parts of the city that were abandoned and run down due to emigration to mars and other colonies and all of the fallout.

@BattleMoose87: No, a line has to be drawn somewhere and a monthly fee for a game is where I would draw mine. Because then not only would I be paying a bill for internet, plus my XBL but also a bill to play a game through XBL on my Internet. That would be 3 different ways I had to pay to play it online and that is

@Tyrunn: The minigame for making it to the top of the Mountain is a great idea. Dodging rocks along the way. How could you include Buster Friendly as well though?

@NeöStarr: That sounds like it would be fun.

@Tyrunn: I wasn't aware they had already made a game though I should have guessed I suppose. I don't do much PC gaming. That's probably the reason I didn't know of it.

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: I stayed away from life for a long time ,and just played my PS3 online for free and loved it. But all my friends were on Live so I finally got an Xbox and a Live account. That way I could play COD with all of my friends instead of playing with strangers on PS3.