
Ive never seen the first 3 but I like Cronenberg so I'll have to check it out. However The Last Starfighter, Tron and War Games were staples of my childhood. Loved all of those movies.

@Enkur: I found mine used at Gamestop for $40.

@elmorepow: Get it. Metroid Prime is def one of the best games of all time.

@fdisk: While I did thoroughly enjoy Ocarina of time, and although I had played the original Zelda before Ocarina was really my first Zelda game. It wasn't until years later that I played A Link to the Past because I never had a SNES. I must say I agree with you. I think A Link to the Past is by far one of the

that is pretty effin sweet man.

@Methusalah: That's what I was afraid of. I'll just have to download the originals on virtual console or something.

@Russell_Crowe86: I bought it full price and think it was totally worth it. If you're gonna rip off a game might as well make sure it is a good one. I think the combat was really smooth and I loved the setting and the enemy designs. I fan of Wayne Barlowe though as well who was a concept artist for the game. If

@Rod_Z: Actually Heroes is probably cancelled as well. The first season was awesome. The second season was not so awesome but I let it slide cause I thought maybe they were just in a sophmore slump. I didin't finish season 3. It just got awful. And then they announced that Claire was going a bit lesbian in the

Ok so I love the original Castlevania games on the NES. Since I got my DS I have been eyeing a few of the Castlevania games for my new portable platform. I got Dawn of Sorrow from Gamefly and after playing it I was a little disappointed. I don't want to have to worry about leveling up and changing weapons and

What always stops me from playing Madden online is not really getting my ass kicked so much as on the off chance I am going to win a game the assholes leave the game with 1-2 minutes left in the game. Drives me fucking crazy man.

@EDGE: You also forgot that a lot of peoople lack any sort of common sense at all.

@xfelixmorganx: And that is awesome that you, and the ppl you work with, do that. But just because you do it, doesn't mean every other gamestop employee does. I been in a gamestop several times, in a near by mall, where they have sold M games to obviously under age kids.

@Covertghost: I think for it to pass they will have to end up including movies and music. I don't think it will pass this time around. But I think if they go back and include the other 2 forms of media it will have a much better chance to get through.

@rpm285sm: Either that or they will go back and make the law where it is a penalty to sell minors any form of media with explicit content. And honestly I think there should be. I love my video games and I like playing several pretty violent ones. I also realize that a lot of minors get ultra violent games because

@Walking Eye!: Except for one instance, it has also been shown pretty heavily edited. I know it was a few years back when ABC or NBC showed it unedited. But other than that most of the time it is edited for television.

@Ueziel: What is your opinion on the game? I've been rolling around the thought of checking out those games but I just can't bring myself to spend the money on them.

@geiko: Your evening sounds like fun. Might have to put back a few Shiner B0cks myself.

@shouryuuken: Mine has definitely been collecting dust until I bought the Metroid Prime Trilogy last weekend. Now it is getting plenty of attention. Same thing with my DS. I hadn't touched it in a couple of months and I've been playing it more than my consoles lately.

Chrono Trigger and Metroid Prime.