
@Recoil: See my other comment from above. If this continues I don't think they are going to give a choice for much longer.

@puffa469: I'm right there with you. I love Harryhausen's work. My wife was wanting to go see the remake of Clash so I made her sit down and watch the original first and explained to her who Harryhausen was.

@L___E___T: That's the thing though, there are a lot of movies that I want to watch but I don't do it if they are in 3D. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed Avatar. Not the bullshit story but the 3D was cool. I just do not agree at all with them making every new movie in 3D.

@puffa469: I heard the same thing about Clash of the Titans due to the addition of the 3D in post production.


@R0bster: There is a Star Fox Command for the DS but I haven't personally played it. I have eyed it quite a bit but haven't brought myself to get it yet.

@PigletLUV: What have we console users done to you? I don't understand the hate between the two. I do understand the argument about having to pay for downloadable content because of console gamers to an extent but you can't tell me that some company wouldn't have eventually figured out that they could start charging

Can anyone give an opinion on Blue Dragon Plus. I'm looking for a new game to get on my DS and it looks interesting. Its like a RTS/RPG right?

Very pumped about this. It will be fun making my wife mad again as I progress through the game faster than she does.

@Manly_McBeeferton: I put my pants on just like you do every morning. Except when I do it, I make gold records.

@Mariblanka: Go with MGS4 to start out. You can't go wrong there.

@vidhagans: Also, I just beat Magus :)

@vidhagans: To be honest this is my first time really playing a JRPG and I'm loving it. I did try playing FFIII on my DS but I couldn't get into it. However Chrono Trigger makes me want to try some others out.

@vidhagans: yeah its time to hit the ole grinder.

@Megamoppy: I love Blue Gender. Great show.

@jack2pot: Just rub one out and you'll feel better.

@battra92: Haven't pre-ordered anything but I will be picking up Alan Wake and Mario Galaxy. I'm gonna try to get 3D Dot Game Heroes from Gamefly and if not I'll just buy it eventually. One of my friends is going to pick up Red Dead Redemption and when he finishes that I'll trade him Alan Wake for a little while.

@vidhagans: I played a little bit of Metroid Prime on my Wii and quite a bit of Chrono Trigger on my DS until I got my ass handed to me by Magus.