
@MrGOH:Touche, you make a very good point. Hollywood may be but I don't think the clothing industry is but, I might be wrong. Either way women do seem to find those models sexy.

@PuffyTail: If "sexy" is defined so much by the straight man how do you explain all of these ridiculously well cut male clothes models at these places like abercrombie and american eagle and whatever those stores are called and the the werewolf guy in new moon or Daniel Craig in Bond? I'm sorry but I wouldn't have

@PuffyTail: I have to disagree. It has nothing to do with the other person (well it probably has a little to do with the other person). Its how the woman or man feels about the other person that makes it more enjoyable for them. Studies have shown that, for women especially, you are more likely to become stimulated

@ToiletNinjas: See I wouldn't have anyone to play with either. My wife would definitely not be down for that and I don't really know anyone that would be interested.

@Rachel Fogg: I'm right there with you guys. It didn't really get my attention at first but it seems like everyone loves this game. Might have to try it out after I get finished with Darksiders.

@ToiletNinjas: What kind of tabletop games. Could you recommend any good ones to a beginner. I have to admit that I never played them as a kid and never knew anyone that did and I'm curious.

@madammina: I will certainly do that and good luck to you.

@excel_excel: Yeah I played it on my 360. I agree that the objectives were pretty run of the mill but I expect that from a demo. The flying was a lot of fun. My only real gripe with it was the shooting mechanics when you are on the ground. They felt a little sluggish to me but since the ground combat is more a

@excel_excel: I didn't have any problems with screen tearing. I found it to be interesting. I think it is going to be worth a rent. I mean I only got to play a fifteen minute demo but it def piqued my interest.

@madammina: Ahh right on. I was just curious because my wife was an English major and has found that with out her masters pretty much all she can do is teach English. But you have a plan. nice.

Anyone tried out the Dark Void demo? If so what did you think?

@madammina: just out of curiousity what are you planning on doing with your english major and are you planning on going for a masters as soon as your finished?

@LuckyAoi: Absolutely pumped about this game!!!

@fuchikoma: I'm not real sure but I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of games that don't use the mic at all. If it is really that embarrassing for you then choose to play a game where you don't have to talk to it when you know you are in a public place. Strategery sir.

So can anyone explain Ace Attorney to me? How exactly is the game played? Is it a puzzle game or what? That just doesn't sound like it would be a fun game but obviously there is something to it because a lot of people seem to enjoy the game.

@fauxbravo: Man I just don't get the appeal of Bayonetta. I tried the demo and I just couldn't get in to it. To each his own I guess.

@fauxbravo: I definitely had a great time with it last night and I am really looking forward to getting home and playing some more. I with you on the creature designs, I thought they are awesome. And having Mark Hamil as the Watcher is an awesome bonus.

@Weezle41: Ok then, I will go first. First of all the frame rate is a little distracting at times but, so far (i'm only a little over an hour in) I have enjoyed all of the creature designs along with the combat enough to still enjoy the game thoroughly. So far I don't have a problem with the environment art or

So does anyone have any opinions on Darksiders so far?

@Blore07: Or maybe she has tried doing all she can to discipline her son to no avail. Maybe she felt that if she did this he would finally get the message.