
@Yossarian: I wish I had a star and you didn't just so I could promote that comment.

Wow. That's really about all I can say to that. It isn't a shocked wow or a grossed out wow or a condescending wow. Just Wow. They definitely do know their audience though. The advertising in the commercial itself is pretty smart.

@SuperSonik: Well thank you sir for your breakdown. To be honest you are making me want to leave work and pop it in the ole DS right now. As much as I have heard from everyone about it I have been scared to put it in since I bought it because I have really been enjoying FFIII and I'm afraid I won't finish it if I

@ThirzaLepidus: I have actually looked at TWEWY. I think it will probably be one of the next games I buy for the DS. I have about 5 different games I'm playing on it right now though so it might be awhile.

I have never really played a JRPG before because I didn't think I would like the turn based gameplay. However I recently got a DS for christmas and I figured fuck it. The DS is an RPG goldmine these days so I might as well try one out. I bought Final Fantasy III and I absolutely love it. I'm addicted. So I went

It is incredibly crazy how dependent we have become on electronics. I'm just as guilty as everyone else though. I remember when I was a kid and I used to memorize all the numbers I wanted to call. I couldn't tell you anyone's phone number now but mine and my wife's without looking at my cell phone. I guess we are

@Megamoppy: I have wireless already so I should be set. thanks.

I have a quick question about the DS. Does it come internet ready or is there something extra i will have to buy to get connected?

@DragonDawn85: Dude I am actually about to buy Chrono Trigger having never played it and hope that it ends up being one of my favorites.

@WhatTheFrag: See I think I'm going to be waiting on Bioshock 2. I just can't seem to get excited about that game. I'm going to have to wait to see what the initial reaction is on the game. I want to be good but I'm not getting my hopes up. As far as Heavy Rain that is one that I'm going to wait for the price to

@SuicidalEarthworm: I thought it looked and sounded just fine. To be honest as long as the gameplay is fun I'm not gonna let how something looks keep me from playing it.

@TrjnRabbit: I can only recall one person even mentioning balls and that was Joel McHale.

Happy Monday everyone. Played through the Dante's Inferno demo again this weekend and I'm even more excited. I am definitely buying it on day one. Hopefully I will have Darksiders completed by then.

I'm sorry but I'm not very interested in hearing how alienated Xbox 360 owners may be for the timed exclusive and the announcement of the release exclusives. Although I own a 360 now I only had a PS3 for awhile and it was very frustrating during that time (especially for the fallout 3 DLC) seeing all of the extra

@resvrgam: You're right gamers that happen to be girls don't just come in the wet dream variety. But did it ever occur to you that different ppl have different tastes and one person's wet dream may not be another's. All people come in all shapes and size and their own opinions and preferences too. In fact,

@Bard of Awen: The demo last night definitely changed my mind. Quite frankly it is a God of War rip off. But honestly now days most games "borrow" heavily from other successful games that worked in the past.

@OmegaSpartan08: Absolutely awesome. It is an unabashed god of war clone but that didn't make it any less enjoyable for me. The game looks great, the gameplay was crisp and tight and I love the feel of the levels so far. It looks to me like it is going to be a lot of fun. I was on the fence about it until I played

Did anyone else enjoy the face melting awesomeness that is the Dante's Inferno Demo last night?

@Madeira: Definitly Guillermo Del Toro for a Zelda movie. Alfonso Cuaron would be good for that as well. Jon Favreau of however its spelled for Mega Man. Def James Cameron for Metroid.

@DragonDawn: Thank goodness I'm running xp at work. I hate vista. No qualms with windows 7 though. it came on my new pc I just bought and I like it so far.