
@Sparx: When I was in college I had all 3 systems. My xbox, ps2 and my underhyped, under-rated, mostly overlooked until RE4 came out and "legitimized the system" gamecube.

@DragonDawn: Well for your sake I hope they don't either. this gets me through the day.

@Letsgohokies: Pretty much just bragging rights sir. I also think it keeps the game fresh starting from the beginning after awhile and being forced to use different weapons and classes than you normally would.

I just want to say I love TAY even tho it causes me to slack off on a lot of work in the mornings. I'm suprised it hasn't got me in trouble yet.

@shaydeeadi: Sorry only green. Check every dark corner and dumpster you can find.

@ThursdayNext: Honestly I thought of inFamous as more of a 3D action/platformer than an adventure game.

@WAVEOFDOOM: Ratchet and Clank is good but I haven't played any of those games since the PS2 days.

@madcatz: I did gamefly for awhile but I did it to try and save some money on buying every new game that comes out. That works great in theory. The problem is actually getting a game as soon as it comes out and not having to wait for it. I just got frustrated with it.

@WAVEOFDOOM: I gave it a shot and while the combat was pretty fun it will still probably just be a rental for me. Just not my cup-o-tea I guess.

@umalt: I'm hoping 3D Dot Game Heroes is going to be a good one as well.

@SuperTongue: Dude I feel your woes but, you at least have to get her something besides the ticket. I would anyway. Nothing big just something to show her your were thinking about her even though you didn't have much money because you helped pay for her ticket.

@Mindtaker: I could not say enough good things about eden man. Awesome game. It is beautiful and the music is great. It is challenging and I can honestly say I have never played another game like it.

@WAVEOFDOOM: There are other adventure games for PS3 other than Uncharted? I'm seriously not trying to troll I love my PS3. I just honestly can't think of any right off the top of my head.

@Four—Eyes: That's a tough one. Fantasy Adventure I guess. Or platformers.

It is going to be a great xmas this year. I got an early xmas present in the form of an elite 360 from my dad since my old 20 gig got the RROD. And I'm asking for a DS with the new Zelda game and Chrono Trigger from the in-laws as well.

@Evdor: Dude I thought the Goldeneye movie was awesome. It was just every one after that before Casino Royal that was shit. But that is just my opinion.

@7ruthslayer: it you want to forward the shipping cost I would totally pay for it.

@himjim: I'll contact MS and try it out. If I have to give a SN though I'm effed in the a.