ew shut up you moralizing scum! shame on you
ew shut up you moralizing scum! shame on you
mom is much more important than dad
wait what’s wrong with sexual aggressiveness?!
yes but you must remember: gizmodo is an ISLAM website
you could have simply googled it yourself
you, my friend, know nothing about labor laws - did you know that every employee at target/walmart etc. is not an employee? how about UPS?
this ruling will NEVER stand - this is just a low level trial judge trying to be a hero
well CRY ME A RIVER lmao
this student sounds like a snitch asshole
was Malcolm X “honest” about his racial background? how about Frederick Douglas? Both of them knew that they have a lot of white genes!
go on a caitlyn jenner post now and write: “I am a woman, and I know, this is not a woman!” - and see what response you get
sounds like he’s a wannabe obi wan kenobi..
You didn’t even mention “Kiss Land” - his most brilliant work BY FAR (nobody appreciated it of course because people are idiots)
I think it is a smart ad, I bet most people don’t know a lawn wastes much more water than a pool...
the Men’s Right’s Activists are smiling/thinking “divide and conquer!”
I think EATING MEAT is a major culprit too
isn’t lube really just a way to skip arousal for the woman?
ugh seriously... saying “parental obligations” like it is the least of things is insane