How many of those still found beer money?
How many of those still found beer money?
As a white male in my 20's, I qualified for enough grant/loan money in college (2007-2011) to live alone in a decent single-bedroom apartment a block from campus, pay all my utilities, eat healthy/fresh food, go out with friends regularly, burn a tank of gas visiting family on weekends, and buy a damn Ducati.
You’d think a Packer would know what’s in his luggage.
“Is there anything you can do, Doctor?”
So I tied The Onion to my belt, which was a satirical newspaper at the time. Now, to take make a shitpost cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of Disqus on ‘em. Give me five Disqus for a quarter, you’d say.
See, they are like a real family.
And, in the first draft, it was Supreme Leader Woke. I loved the way he Force-choked Kylo Ren because he refused to check his privilege.
Somebody needs to tell this fucking hack that Asia Carrera is a MENSA member.
“Dinosaurs are four eight-year-olds...”
But I was yelling “silly Billy!”
I can’t believe no one mentioned Hormel® Black Label® bacon or Duracell batteries.
School counselor here, a starving kid is not a learning kid. I’d rather have them all have free lunch than some kids not getting the food they need and then not learning because they are hungry. Also, throwing away food because their lunch account is empty does not make sense. They are wasting more money by doing that…
Dickless was wrong. He shut off the power grid.
Google is our friend:
From their statement, Craigslist isn’t shuting down that section to fight sex trafficking. They are doing it because an overbroad law makes it too risky for them to host anything sex related. Which seems to be the point of the law.
I like the game where everyone puts their phone screen down on the table. The first one to touch their phone picks up the tab.
Trust me, I questioned several sources and the boys in the lab came up with a report that proves it beyond a reasonable doubt.
#3- Morimoto. 3 of us. Full tasting chef menu, course, high end sake drink service.
I think that is 100% accurate. The best meal I ever had in my life was breakfast in a McDonald's.