
Thank you so much for writing this out! I’ve been feeling a little disappointed in myself for not doing the protests (severe anxiety issues) but today it occurred to me, do immigration/refugee advocacy groups need volunteer work? Still a stretch for me but less so than large crowds. I’ll be looking into this more

Just watched him on Anderson Cooper, and he was respectful but insistent... And they did have to bleep him once. But it was good!

Bump here too... I’ve been wondering the same - just make sure they’re fighting the good fight?

I’ve decided this is Bannon’s list of items in his most favorite dream

Starred for both the laugh and your username

Yes! Burneko’s point and I think a good litmus test is to see if you can interchange “fake news” with “hoax” if not, it’s not fake news. Also we need to start a grassroots movement to not use “fake news” ever again.

This exactly!! Not just that he was a governor, but also that he ran for POTUS. I’ve decided that I’d like to see one more requirement for running for the highest office in the land: pass a basic test about how our government works (by basic I don’t mean like in high school, I just mean not every in and out). I

This is excellent, thank you for sharing

I got talked into a “partial” hysterectomy, which leaves the cervix. It’s supposed to be better for keeping the structure down there more in tact -less likelihood of prolapse, etc. If they don’t get all of the endometrial cells, you might continue to have some bleeding. My doc swore up and down she never left anything

Oh no, poor sweetie! We had a surgery-prone doggie too, and he was always so upbeat and lovey through all of it. I’m happy to hear about the zoomies! :D

I’m new ish here but I already recognize and love seeing Amy pics!

Ohhh man that suucks! That’s just cruel to lead her on like that and then I’M BACK, GUESS WHO???

Lol, not the only one! I’m better off now but I used to long for it...

I love these threads... I wish I’d had access to these fifteen years ago :D. Last true period was 4 years ago, and starting 5+ years before that... Yes, continuous cramps and bleeding awesome! Mega super tampons plus big pads and change all those suckers once an hour or else. I didn’t know anyone else who could

Shit. Thank you for posting this. My rep is on that list as well. WTF? I’ve been -ugh, SO naively... and at every turn I get another lesson in that naivete (sp?) - thinking that my reps, who are representing an ultra-liberal district, would be doing the right thing. I was already planning on calling to urge support

Thank you for telling your story. I’m sorry about what happened to you, but I’m so glad you had support and help along the way.

These people are making me cross eyed and upsetting my stomach

Exactly! Never a better time for good old fashioned self-medication. I was going to add and plenty of cookie dough but I think the resulting poops would be the end of me... Then again, maybe not the worst way to go?

OMG thank you for the snort laugh! I need that.

THAT is what is missing from my preparedness list! Been studiously cutting back on the wine but once everything starts to burn, bottom’s up! I gotta start stocking up.