
This is what I want to know... What happens next? So much has happened that even just two months ago seemed like a tinfoil hat punchline.

Very well put

I would buy that if it were a book!

Ooh, yes please!

Ah, gotcha. I can see where you’re coming from. I think for a lot of us, we’ve seen the decline but this all feels sooo far above and out of control. We’ve been stripped of our ability to rationalize our fears away, and the reality is turning out pretty damn scary. I agree, the rationalization is the big slippery

Okay but what does this have to do with the OP? Thie disconnect is striking, and as such, it feels like a random rant... A rant that I’ve now heard (well, read, you get it) so many times now my ears are closing. I’m going nose-blind to this rant. And the same for the anti Bernie rants as well. I get it that you’re

Oh man, so much this! My house should be fully carpeted in hair bands and bobby pins by now... Where do they go??

I love my Paperwhite! I hesitated to give up the physical feel of books but I haven’t looked back! No more packing an entire carry-on with books when traveling. And just recently was reading a series and had to get a few regular books and dammmmn that print is tiny!

Holy shit, that bell!

Unfortunately, no, it’s not a newer thing. I grew up in a somewhat “liberal bubble” but when I was a teen (80s/90s) I remember proclaiming something similar, and that feminism was considered something that angry men haters ascribed to. Luckily after college I started to realize how I’d been so affected by gender

OMG this is fantastic!


Yes! Why this isn’t getting more attention I don’t understand. This should be reported on, which would then help put more pressure on lawmakers. This is exactly how the “low information voters” ended voting against their own interests. Ugh, posting via mobile, otherwise I’d go on (lol, probably a good thing)

Me too!

Yeah, also see samyube from yesterday...

Aha! Glad I’m not the only one who connected these two!

OMFG... I’ve been there once and was in tears the entire time. But, why should this pic surprise me?

Good for you! The “detox” idea is a good one, and then set yourself rules, like you’re talking about. Several months ago I managed to quash a year+ long multi-drink (like 3or4) every night habit to a few drinks only on super special occasions or socially (I’m very introverted so not a big socializer). This ends up

That is a fantastic idea! For me it became a solid habit, and the way my brain would tell my body it was time to wind down. Honestly I miss the wine glass more than the wine. ;-)

Yes!! As one of my doctors told me, you don’t have to feel this way. Depression is a many-edged sword, one of those being that it stokes self doubt and self criticism, adding to the difficulty of getting help. Don’t fall for the hype that it makes you weak. In fact, living through something like depression, to