If you’re talking shit about the McRib then we’re gonna fight.
If you’re talking shit about the McRib then we’re gonna fight.
Of course not. Everything has to be “What is Peyton’s life like after retirement. I think it might go a LITTLE like this...”
The second he announced his retirement I knew we were all doomed to his Charlie Brown head talking about life after football, likely for years.
If the Pats win the Super Bowl this year there’s 0% chance that Goodell’s the one to hand them the trophy. They’ll have Aikman or Bradshaw or Nantz or Joe Montana do it. Someone like that.
Oh no, there’s just as many now even though he’s retired, which is pissing me off. I naively thought I’d see less of his fivehead on my TV once he stopped playing.
I know there’s a dearth of quality teams out there this season, but we can’t let these people get their revenge championship.
100% aware of her full bio. Maybe you should be.
“If any of us had raised a daughter like Hillary Clinton, we would be so proud.”
Calling this ‘locker room talk’ is an insult to decent men everywhere
they reworked his deal so he can start and be the terrible qb that he is. The 49ers can say “told you he sucked” to the fan base, than cut him and get rid of his off the field b.s.
Options are one thing, a muddled lineup is another. In the 4 series lineup you have 8 separate models and within the models you have a further 6-8 package options. Yes you and I know BMW models well, but does the average buyer have any clue what they are getting involved in?
No, actually I’m not (you’d never catch me voting Green or Libertarian, as I’m neither a twig-and-berry eater, nor a stoner. Those people are just nuts.)
In a normal election year being known as someone who takes advice from Colin Powell should be enough to disqualify you from the presidency. Although I will admit that it’s light years ahead of “guy who desperately wants to impress Howard Stern”.
Umm, she committed a crime, plain and simple, and anybody interested the military who did the same would have been charged with damn TREASON!!! Open your eyes idiot, both of them candidates are scum and you actually want to defend this witch that you literally don’t k ow AT ALL. You think her public persona is a…
Gotta love the way a ten year old video held until four weeks before the election, though.
I tried out a Virtual Boy at K-Mart back when I was a kid and begged my parents for one for Christmas that year. I’m glad they didn’t listen to me.
Hasn’t Scorpio been pretty much confirmed to be much more powerful than the PS4Pro? On top of eventual Roft support (not that I’ll buy a Rift one way or the other) it seems like your closing paragraph could well end up being the case.
So VR as a whole could end up being killed off because the ability to make an affordable* headset that actually does the job needed doesn’t exist and a bad reputation could put consumers off.
Sony stole a page from Nintendo’s playback about old tech :)
Sony is using obsolete technology to compete with state of the art, their shooting themselves in the foot and might do the same for the whole VR industry.