Because women are their own worst enemy, instead of blaming their spouses/significant others they blame other females for “enticing them” as if men aren’t responsible for their own behavior. You see it time and again, heck just this morning:
Because women are their own worst enemy, instead of blaming their spouses/significant others they blame other females for “enticing them” as if men aren’t responsible for their own behavior. You see it time and again, heck just this morning:
It questions the character of the first female presedential candidate whose largest voter base is female...the very same ones she is stumping to “be a voice for”...while successfully silencing the ones her husband sexually assaulted.
...and yet Hillary has done the same exact thing, while blaming it on some wacko govt. conspiracy. The difference of course is that Bill’s dalliances weren’t brought up weeks before his election, but only after Lewinski went public did all of his old ghosts surface.
That’s adorable...any other fairy tales you want to discuss, like religion?
I know, but there is a reason for the saying “nothing good ever happens after 2am”.
Not for you to worry about.
Then why would she apologize?? If this was actually about “Kosovo” street gangs why would she be apologizing to BLM??
Because on this site and others: Whitey = devil
Confused the day she was shot, regardless no kid in high school should be out at that time. Honestly, if your daughter/son walked in when the sun was coming out you’d be fine with that?
And when does any of those justify a 15 y.o. out until 4am ??!! NO high schooler should be out at that hour...ever.
...maybe because they see through the sham of “not waiting for all the facts to come out” and just assume the cops were at fault to start rioting?
A freshman or sophomore...or even a senior NEEDS to experience being out at 4am?! She had to be in school in less than 4 hours!
Nope, the key piece is that a 15 y.o. kid was out at 4am, knew there was gunfire in the area she was hanging out, and had to be in class in less than 4 hours. NONE of those things should be happening at that age.
...because a 15 y.o. has school in less than 3 hours you dumbass. You honestly think teenagers should be ALLOWED to be out ANY night at that hour?!
...and yet Tom Brady took two of the worst statistically rated defenses to a Super Bowl.
Ok Vontaze, you can get off the internet now...
Why would you feel bad for the most successful team over the past 2 decades? They’ll be just fine without you.