
Puts up a brick!

A Taste of Two Titties?

The second someone starts talking about 'rights' in a conversation about art or aesthetics or pop culture - just give up. They're true believers in the product and their position, to them, is simply unfalsifiable.

What? As opposed to the totally awesome first and second waves?

Wait a minute… Smootchie!?!

Actually, more Meminists are bottoms than you would think.

I for one have always lived by those words.

I dunno. I think Wiig in Walk Hard was sublimely weird and intense. She might pull it off. But her having that kind of talent seems like just one more reason for her to do her own thing rather than some kind of weird impression.

Where do I send the cheque?

Honeycrisp is a delight, but just how much do you want to pay for an apple? Fiji is where the value is.

Correct. It's a Canadian thing. It's particularly prominent in British Columbia, where we never signed treaties with the majority of Nations, and as such the courts determined they never relinquished original rights and title. So in BC in particular, but in Canada in general, the notion of separate sovereign nations

It's fine if you hoop it.

Anne Coulter's safe word?

'I haven't seen the movie. I hear it was awful. i HAVE seen the new keep in Lannisport it bought, and it's LOVELY!'

Wait, that's terrible.

Me too! I thought it was inconsistent, but all around great. I never ever thought I'd hear a song like Quasar from the Pumpkins again. In my imagination that album is called Machina: The Machines of God and was released in 2000.

Different schools use different grade scales.

Different strokes and all that.

Why you are talking about an intellectual and academic in the language of celebrity is a little confusing to me, to be honest. Though I certainly would admit the Zizek does try to cultivate a bit of that aura himself.

I agree on P and R (I always seem to dislike when stupid, incompetent characters make their way through a sitcom with absolutely no consequences for their stupidity), but he really won me over with Guardians.