
That's why I always torrent the latest movie when I host my annual Atlas Shrugged drinking Game - Atlas Chugged!

I only disowned my people because of that stupid, meddling amendment.

It's an AV Club game review. The complaint was basically that the RPG had too many sidequests. Think about that.

Damn. Gonna have to go out for one of these hard right hoagies myself…

All right, I've gotta bite. Any examples?

Oh come now. Compression issues aside, no WAY is Death Magnetic worse than St. Anger!

Awesome news, lah.

Look I'm a far-left feminist, and I'm no stranger to a good flame war myself. But you come off horribly. You've got to rethink your technique.

It's way easier to stand up for social justice when you are functionally literate. Hit the books, kiddo!

She's defending herself, but is anyone really attacking her? This news-wire seems like much ado about nothing.

You're from a bygone era. Got it.

worker201 sounds like he's never worked a day in his life.

They always said their move was an experiment though, and that they were trying to figure out what worked for them specifically. Not sure the snark is well-earned here, even if the economics are correct.

Before file-sharing you would never have paid to 'try out' that shitty band's shitty music.

If the law can't catch up to the fact that providers have yet to develop a technology as convenient as the free competition, fuck it.

I still felt that I had to frame it as a question. I mean, I'm not Australian, buddy.

My understanding was that Jay actually has a pretty solid business mind. It's not like he's topping the Forbes list off the album points for Magna Carta.

Y'all can go fuck yourselves, eh?

That is some slack-jawed yokel shit right there.

Condensed… AND diluted?