
And that number is 5% of the reader base.

"After we’re live on Kinja, all anxieties about this transformation will dissipate, lost to the restorative ebb and flow of time."
I'm sorry, have you met us?

I'm always amused that 2000 AD, a sci-fi comics anthology magazine that launched in 1977, didn't anticipate that its title might someday become hilarious. Of course, they also weren't anticipating a run longer than eighteen months.

Closed sets.

Hope I'm not too late to Hunt down tickets!

Dark Crystal and the Muppets have different corporate owners, sadly.

Who's voicing Hugo Strange?

watch the video

I mean, Scrooge is, like, 150 in this series.

It sounds like Sam probably needed to be counterbalanced by other autistic characters. If you're going to market yourself on getting autism "right", you can't do it with just one guy, because it manifests differently in different people.

they could just not do that, declare anarchy, and help overthrow the system

I can't wait for the next set of rapid fans complaining that the franchise they love so dearly only had one good joke and taking that away is tantamount to burning their houses down and pissing on the graves of their loved ones.

well i mean i'd argue the united states copyright laws screwed it up for everyone

all the respect canon deserves, frankly

"I think they wound up adding that you can't hire the professional Trek actors to be in them anymore." They did, and it's tremendously fucked up. Fan films are the only way most of these guys can make a living anymore.

I was genuinely worried CBS would be like "well, you can only make fan films through this program", especially after all the shit that ended up in their "official guidelines". It's nice to see it's voluntary.

"the prejudice the natives showed against white guys is JUST AS BAD as the prejudice the white guys showed against the natives" is never gonna be a great look

why not both

Wet Hot American Summer doesn't make any apologies for being fiction. The entire appeal of the franchise is how flagrant it is about its numerous plotholes and deliberately shoddy production work. I have no idea why you'd need to pretend the franchise owning that once and for all didn't happen.

I've actually come around a lot on Twilight since I realized I would probably be less critical of it if teenage girls weren't so nuts about it.