
You joke, but I do suspect that ultimately a lack of serialization is what stopped films based on his books from becoming an overall major presence.

We're still, unfortunately, in this weird post-Divergent period where a new challenger hasn't yet stepped up to the plate. It look like it might be the oeuvre of John Green for a hot second there, not sure what happened.

I think two black men having what's ultimately a happy, successful romance is what was needed in…basically all times, honestly.

Yes, I'm sure a bland musical that's explicitly doing what a thousand other musicals have done while adding nothing interesting lost an Oscar because people thought Lionsgate was desperate.

Some poor shmuck at Lionsgate is wondering why the other meta-as-fuck Showalter/Wain/Poehler/Rudd movie got to be a sprawling Netflix franchise, and theirs didn't.

You guys made La La Land! You own the rights to that one! Can you say Musical Cinematic Universe?

I mean, I'd take Wagner's word on that, I guess. I dunno. Editorial oversight is proooobably important when managing the character development of a militant fascist, though!

That's a good reading, and it's one the writers should play to instead of trying constantly to have it both ways and sliding ever so slightly leftwards as they do so.

One of those is a totally rational response to the subject matter, and it's not the Dredd review.

She can play Mama's twin sister, Nadeline "Nana" Nadrigal.

Now he's having actual human emotions about things he cares about in ways that are preventing him from being unflinchingly professional. Totally unheard of in Hollywood. Completely unprecedented. He should seek help.

Yes, but treating his injuries also didn't require removing his helmet and wrapping his head in gauze from the nose up for no apparent reason, so what's even the point?

It is hard not to and I hate it. 2000 AD is too good at straightforward action for its own damn good.

*insert joke about how modern america and mega-city one are indistinguishable here*

I found William Hung's score a little lacking.

Judge Dredd as a world doesn't make me uncomfortable. Dystopian literature is a fine tradition that doesn't need to go anywhere.

Somehow I doubt he read it. I didn't necessarily intend for him to—I just needed to vent.

I want to see the writers try to play to Dredd's popularity without inadvertently endorsing fascism, and as such slowly dilute him into a liberal who happens to be anti-democracy because the alternative is giving in to the segment of fans who don't get the satire and really just want to watch Dredd beat up protesters