
What right to privacy are you talking about?  The only one in America is about medical privacy, and the undoing of that one is about to start.

We probably won’t see a President & First Lady with as much class as the Obamas; not ever again. The way this country is headed, I doubt they’ll let another black couple in. People have lost their minds in the wrong direction.

Gotcha on that! Meanwhile back at the Ranch...I’m not particularly sold on that Melania, either. Some may dicker(!) but she’s no Ms. Michelle O. by absolutely no means. What a letdown after those beautiful years of Ms. O gracing the media with her style and poise. I miss the Obamas.

He is an ugly-fuck, isn’t he? Then the fact that he’s using tanning salons is stupid as all getout. I suppose he thinks orange looks better than the pasty white he really is.

I’m glad I already finished most of my work today because that image... holy fuck, I just want to curl up under a blanket and never come out again.

They could always combo the two?

They should host a party at the Watergate Hotel and hang signs that say “This. . . is. . . OBAMAGATE!!!”

President Obama doesn’t give a fat rat’s ass about Trump unless he’d repeal the 22nd Amendment where he can run a third time and beat his ass out of office like drum.

We can hope!

Trump’s portrait.

Obama doesn’t even say Trump’s name, but Trump knows he’s talking about him. Trump getting mad is telling on himself.

Nah, Donnie loves that guy.

And on an empty stomach at that. Thanks.

Where Trump should be hanged.

I’m sure there’s at least one bathroom in that joint with an empty wall.

Parking garage? You’re too kind. I’d put it up over the White House trash compactor. 

Biden should have Trump’s done right away using this photo as reference.

The more they try to vilify Obama the more Americans love him. Compare Obama’s twitter followers to Trump. That says it all. Obama is wholesome and that drives the racist white man crazy. They want him to be the angry black man who lashes out. In reality, Trump actually behaves how Cons expected Obama to behave.

When I toured the White House in 2010, the portraits were arranged by popularity. I imagined Michelle was in charge of decorated it. We walked into the visitor entrance, and right away was the “Jeopardy trivia” presidents, like William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison and Millard Fillmore. Then as we walked towards

i’d only want Obama to go if he were going to KICK TRUMPS ASS