
To be fair they do have daily stories on Rita Ora "flaunting her toned pins and ample assets" if that balances things out.

Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all. He's very smug on tv and sleazy with women. Just a smarmy twat all round.

It took until 2017 for an orange man to fully fuck a nation!

And they're so stupid they don't realise that you can't be a patriot while glorifying the tenets of National Socialism, which their (grand)fathers may have fought against and maybe died trying to stop. Dumb assheads.

Thankfully there's an instrumental version, White and Keys absolutely murdered the song on the single version - and i don't mean that in the good "you killed it" way.

You don't find Roger Moore hanging off a fire engine going "Oooof!" as Tanya Roberts tries to retract the ladder memorable? Or Christopher Walken machine gunning a load of innocent miners, while laughing himself silly? It's a pretty crap film but the song's great and those bits are pretty funny. There's quite a few

I saw it recently and those bits really made me laugh rather than squirm, as they used to do. Now i realise even Bond is uncomfortable with such a young girl throwing herself at him.

He doesn't beat her long though, he ends up shooting her in the head as far as i remember.

Mine was A View To A Kill. I think i've seen them all in the cinema - for better and sometimes much worse - since then, except for The Living Daylights.

There is, plus Samuel L Jackson dressed in a SS uniform - someone MUST have wanted to see that apart from Frank Miller. They must have…

I'll have a look, i do like Bay for the most part. At least he has his own style, as cluttered and insane as it can sometimes be, unlike some of the boring, anonymous journeymen who make films these days..

I imagine it's probably very popular at soggy biscuit parties too, hahaha. Definitely ok for a watch or maybe two, pushing it, but it doesn't have a huge amount of substance. Not that that's always important in entertainment.

"My city… she cries out. She cries out to me. My city. I'm the goddamn Marv-Man". I loved the comics and the first film but The Spirit, Sin City 2 and the fact that he's (unknowingly?) become a total self-parody make him hard to get enthusiastic about. Those two films were pure garbage, so bad they weren't even

It's the only Bay film i haven't seen apart from the new Transformers - should i give it a chance? I can also take or leave Ewan McGregor, so there's that against it.

What a great film, absolutely hard as nails. I think there's 2 different endings, depending on whether you see it under the title "SPL" or as "Kill Zone". I saw it as SPL and it had a hilariously shocking ending but a friend saw it as Kill Zone and described another ending which may be even more bleak. I think i may

"Always bet on blacktion". I'm always surprised at how he ended up in the action genre, it seems like around the time of Passenger 57 and that one with Dennis Hopper and Viggo Mortensen as the bad guys he just decided to do any kind of thriller he was offered. He's definitely a much better actor than most of his

It was a fun show at least, and he got to spout lots of amusing gambling-related stuff like "Never bet against the house". He never reprised his classic line from Passenger 57 - "Always bet on black" - even though it would have been apt given all the card talk in the show. He only got that one fight scene in the whole

Mask II: Rocky's Big Score.

He was fantastic in that. So were Mel Gibson and Frasier Crane.

And Eric Bogosian.