
Ansel Elgort's the one who *almost* played Han Solo and Alden Ehrenreich's the one who actually is playing Han Solo. Basically Han Solo.

Excellent, would love to hear about The Man With Two Brains and Peckinpah's Straw Dogs and Cross of Iron.

And Jason Statham is in both too.

The treatment of her character was a disgrace, why did Ridley Scott feel the need to "homage" the opening of Alien 3, one of the lowest and most reviled points in the entire franchise, where those characters you wanted more of were senselessly killed offscreen? What a dick.

This is spot on, Ridley answers all the questions we never cared about having answers to, like who created the xenomorphs. These are the questions he feels we should be interested in and he doesn't give a fuck if we're not interested because he's just going to go ahead and answer them (partly, at least) anyway. I

Yeah, it does sound like he had a very bad experience working with Fox on Aline 3. I was surprised that he worked with Fox again on Gone Girl and Fight Club, but i suppose the regime he'd dealt with in 1989 was probably long gone by then. I'd certainly be interested in seeing Fincher's original vision in as full a

I had low expectations and enjoyed it, it was above average. But i do think it's nonsense and that the characters are stupid. I just wanted an enjoyable film and i got more or less what i expected. Alien 3 was fine, for me the only ones that matter are the first 2. I've long since stopped hoping they'll do anything

Not quite to that degree, there's nobody petting albino cobras in this one but there are at least 2 or 3 bits where you'll roll your eyes and maybe burst out laughing at the idiocy of the choices the characters make.

He admitted that and then went ahead and made all of the same mistakes yet again with Alien Covenant! Don't be too hopeful, it's rubbish but at least it's enjoyable rubbish. Plot holes galore and the kind of stupid behaviour you only see in a Prometheus film.

Those were both laughably bad elements of the film, why would anyone do either of those things apart from to advance a poorly written plot? Overall i enjoyed it but it's pure trash, really.

What happened with Shaw was a real disappointment as well. It's basically just a copy of how Fincher killed off Newt and Hicks at the start of Alien 3, offscreen, with no respect for the characters or the fans.Well done, Ridley, on pointlessly repeating one of the most reviled moments in the Alien series and writing