
Is that supposed to be ironic or is it just a smart-ass reply? I'll be short; NO business or corporation is going to willingly take a loss on a product without any incentive. They MUST have a motivator for such investments. In the case of a vehicle like Veyron, it's extremely obvious what they received in return...

Well, now I know you and a whole load of other people need to take an economics class. You aren't thinking. There's your perspective, and then there's the business perspective.

Actually, it's both.

My guess? It'll be a Veyron 2.0 Spec B Model Vitesse Rembrandt Finale Super Grand Record.

Loganville is barely even inside of Gwinnett...

Hmm... Not so sure selling this as a Lexus is a great idea. Brand image needs to be thoroughly considered.

Not the majority. Some.

I counted the times it has changed for me. 9 times so far. For the first 5 hours I saw it as black and blue. Then, it all started from there. Changing back and forth. And... guess what? In the middle of staring at it, it changed. It changed in a nanosecond and I didn't even blink. Very interesting how I caught it in

You and I both know there's plenty of people over there who love modern American vehicles.

The road-car is just gorgeous!

Ohhh... yes they do. It's documented. More Europeans, in general, want modern U.S. vehicles than any American wants a French PSA or Spanish vehicle. I wasn't talking about the entirety of Europe. For some reason you see France as the sole representer of Europe..(?)

It's coming right at us!!!

I don't want 90% of modern French vehicles, so I'd argue against that.

Interesting ideologies you both have...

Now... if only the exterior had evolved like the interior did.

Shhhh... I know.. but at the same time I don't want to accept how stale it looks.

Fix the "Logstics" in the title.

You'll see. This is just a great "estimate." You'll notice when you look at the design details. :)

THIS IS NOT THE ACTUAL VEHICLE. EVERYONE RELAX.... Ahem. Now, wait for the real deal.

Yeah, there's no doubt it's the next CC preview.