
It sounds very nice. I miss the bulletproof reliability of that car. I went the opposite direction when I got an E60 M5 to replace it. Lololol! Thank God I bought a warranty. It paid out over $20,000 while it was in force. The company I got it from, NAC, stopped offering warranties on the M5 and M6 of that generation

Adding a +1 to this. It’s a false metric. But it does allow 12 different pages to spew ads onto. Which was the real goal. Not raw traffic numbers. Ad impressions.

That’s funny, I literally just saw one on the road and was thinking how well it’s aged. The GS has always looked good to me though, especially the 3rd gen.

Just because someone has to load eight pages to read one article doesn’t mean they read eight articles. It’s a false metric. If your management can look past “the number got bigger” and actually understand what the number means, they will understand that slideshows are just a way of gaming the metrics. They don’t make

I’ve seen the official title to the car that states it was sold to the dealer on 11/15, and the 11/18 date of the audit came from Tesla themselves. It does not appear the dealer is lying about this.

But remember, Tesla sold the car on 11/15. When they did the audit, they were no longer the owners of the car.

If the point is to hold exterior gear, why not mount a few rugged, tough-looking brackets or hooks to the body to mount your gear? And leave the window in a state that you can, you know, see through?

I don’t think that’s what he was saying at all. I think the point was the narrative we are being spoonfed is that attacking our trade inequality is inherently bad because Trump wants to do it, when in reality, its a thing that needs to happen with somebody with more than 9 functioning brain cells managing it.

China sure isn’t innocent. IP theft for instance is terrible. But a trade war was never going to work when the opponent doesn’t have real politics. Xi just has to make things painful enough for americans to vote Trump out in 2 years, or wait 6 years.

That is impressively abhorrent.

I’m willing to argue over a good beer that the BMW X6 still holds the ugly crown.

Does its whole grille light up? No? Then I’m sorry, you’re wrong. The worst offender is still the 2020 X6.

shhh. let’s ignore all the horrible things China’s government has done. Orange man bad!!! 

The Regal TourX is an interesting offering. The package at it’s price point is very good value.

I’m far from a fan of Trump, but ALL press coverage of this situation paints China as some innocent party that is being bullied by Trump.  Just a little bit of research will show that although I don’t agree with Trump’s methods, the status quo on China trade is not tenable.  

Because it sets a precedent that Chinese companies are not only taking the movie industry over, they’re using this influence to extend their ideologies and censorship to countries around the world. And that..is very fucking dangerous. Greed let the wolf in the hen house.

While it is in itself without consequences the whole drama is about what else is changed to make history look the way some people want it to look like... I do not know... schoolbooks for example.

To compensate, he should get a Winnie the Pooh patch. 

Bad take. This will break necks at a (hopefully) great price point.

Can you expense Grammarly or something?