
NOOOOO!!! I love hairless cats. So, why don't we just post some ways of keeping things... you know, "clean" so we don't have to worry about this type of thing?

The story about there being two ufos at Roswell isn't new. It's been around for a long time now. Where have you people been?

Private insurance is great, isn't it? Good luck with the hand.

With all the things going on in the world and you're worried about this? You may just have too much time on your hands.

Google Chrome itself crashes or freezes constantly on my machine when there is embedded video on a page. Of course I'm not using a MBA but it's still very frustrating to constantly have to restart my browser. I'm not impressed so far.

See, this is why I just pay for DirecTv at this point. Sure, I pay a little more each month but I know when I turn on my TV I'm going be watching it instead of cursing at it because it isn't working right. Add to that a 12Mb DSL connection and my entertainment needs are met. At least until a company gets it right and

Me too. Being totally honest with myself about TDK was hard but I almost didn't go see it because of Ledger playing The Joker. I just couldn't believe him in the roll. Boy was I wrong. Now when I think of someone playing that character I'll have to compare them to Ledger's and not Nicholson's. Ledger owns the roll of

If I were the dude driving the truck, I'd get a little green arm or leg and hang it out from under the tarp and drive slow as hell so people could see it.

Well what do you expect? You people keep electing the most liberal among you into office. Here's a hint, stop electing people that hate fossil based fuels and tries to tax it into nonexistence. California is one of the reasons the price of gas goes up all over the country because your state requires different "blends"

Waiting on you...

Why? Because that's the type of sales you'd have to see to warrant 20k people trying to fill only 877 jobs. Like I said, you're drinking the same koolaid.

You sir are absolutely right about that. I guess I wasn't thinking about it from that angle.

After Carroll Shelby passed away the value of these went way up.

What Bryce said PLUS the fact that it was a 1964 model. I don't think replica kits were available at that time. Just saying...

I hate to sound superficial here but... when you're driving around anywhere in a Bugatti Grand Sport you don't have to "try" to look cool. You ARE cool, PERIOD. IMO they are one of the sexiest cars on the road.

OMG! You must be drinking the same koolaid as the author of the article. Please show some pictures of Hyundai car lots totally empty where they're unable to meet demand.

Really? What else would you like the government to control in our lives? Be honest too.

Are you kidding me? A "steadily improving economy" you say? WOW! That's 20k people trying to get less than 1k jobs and you try to spin it? I couldn't care less what web site you link to this is just spin plain and simple. Not to mention every positive economic indicator and up-tick in employment numbers is ALWAYS

Let me know how that works out for you. I'm sure they're shaking in their boots.

I want a decent app that recreates the old 1200's I used to spin with years ago. Give me a start/stop button with a pitch slider and let me mix and record my playlists in my library on my iPad and iPhone. For my own personal use of course.