
Your name suits you. Go ahead and fall in line if you want and be led over the cliff. I don't think a person should have to take precautions from having your money stolen by the police for crying out loud. As someone stated above. This is the U S of fucking A. We have a Constitution that's supposed to keep this kind

I remember seeing the very first Batman movie on the day it was released. Standing in line with fellow fans, none of us really knowing what to expect. But when the movie started the whole theater cheered out loud. After that there were only two times you ever heard a peep. When Keaton told the bum "I'm Batman" in the

Come on Sam, you can't do any better than this? Most of us know you dislike corporations but don't you think you're taking this a little too far? I work for AT&T and I know what they require, as far as safety training, from employees AND CONTRACTORS before you're able to have access to ANY property and It's constant.

Actually, the House has passed a budget the last two years but Harry Reid, yeah the democrat that runs the Senate, wont bring it to the floor for a vote. Nice try though.

I'm with AT&T so this doesn't affect me "YET" but something like this will probably be put in place for them as well. I think I'll just start buying refurbed iPhones from Apple a couple of months after they release new sets. Because, the way things are going, I don't think either one of the two big providers want my

Thanks for beating me to it. It doesn't matter what you put before these ideologues because their thinking is based on emotion with no regard toward facts. His list proves that. Great rebuttal.

I'm upset with AT&T about a lot of things but this is crazy to say the least. Are people actually blaming the company for these people dying?

I don't get it Casey. Why wouldn't you put the link in the article? Now I have to go to the site and do a search for the video because my interest is piqued. You could have saved us some work you know but now, for the sake of getting the whole picture and all...

So where the hell is PETA when you really need them? I think it's time they joined the fight for crying out loud.

The one and only reason for watching Tron: Legacy. What a morsel!

I think you're right, they are two different ships. The ship discovered in Alien on LV-426 is brought down by some form or version of the face hugger. If you remember when Dallas, Kane and Lambert see the Space Jockey there is something attached to his face and it appears something has burst out of his chest. Dallas

So, one of those arrested is the leader of the Clevland "occupy" movement. Is that correct? Hmm...

Finally, a story coming from this city that doesn't make you embarrassed to live here. Great job by the WFD.

"...Siri commercial for Sprint."

"American solution: let's sink that motherfucker."

It's pretty slim pickings as far as apps go right now. My son has used the Samsung Focus for over a year now and he wants badly to go to an iPhone. I, on the other hand, would love to try this phone out but are too reliant on the many apps and features iOS consistently has so I find it hard to turn away from. I've

While I know a lot of the writers for the Gawker sites are liberals I really do appreciate the tone of this article. I can't see why so many people today are so hateful toward others that have succeeded and are well off. You would think most of them would want to become that way themselves and work toward that goal.

Well you must be one of the "semi-intelligent" people you refer to. For several years now it's been proven that Fox is the more honest and down the middle news outlet of any right now. Sorry, but that's a fact. Oh, and it's "no" not "know".

I would say yeah. I'm bitching about a measly 200 mil. It isn't the 200 mil. that bothers me. It's the 200 mil. on top of everything else that we already can't afford. But that's me.

"Except it turns out Martin didn't beat up Zimmerman at all."