
Why would you lie about the EO? I stopped reading after the first two.

That’s just the way they do things here on these sites , they always have. It’s why I seldom ever try to comment on anything here.

Oh yeah? Where is the proof for all of your assertions? There is no proof one way or another that’s been made public yet but you are absolutely certain that Trump is the one in the wrong and is lying. I find your lack of willingness to also point a finger at Obama and the DNC for their lack of interest in this up

Oh that’s just too rich. You require proof from someone who posted a comment on the internet but then you don’t require the same proof from your so-called scientists about the subject you agree with. Manipulated computer models and a bunch of scientists agreeing to agree isn’t science either. Keep in mind there are

I commend you for trying but I don’t think you’re going to have much success with these people. Their minds are already made up regardless of what the facts may or may not tell us.

Shush now, don’t tell them the truth. I’m having too much fun watching these liberal’s collective heads explode while they grasp at anything and everything they can to make Trump out to be what they hope he is. Where was their outrage when their “man-boy god” obama was doing this very thing to some on the right? They

It looks like the torso behind the left arm in the zoomed photo is of the same character, but with a mask or breather of some kind.

Thank you. I came to say the same but you beat me to it. The messaging from these “gawker” websites are always the same are they not? It’s one of the reasons they’ve lost so many readers and have had to shut down some of their sites. They know nothing except how to categorize people according to their politics, race,

“Rich Purnell is a steely-eyed Missle Man"!!!

I am almost as excited to see Black Panther in Civil War as I am Spiderman.

It sounds to me like you worry what others think of you way too much.

You shouldn't rely on a radar detector to detect when you're being targeted. You rely on the detector picking up the signal hitting cars in front of you giving you time to slow down if needed. Unless you're the only one on the road.

Spiderman alone is a billion dollar industry EVERY year in merchandizing. Actually, he makes a little more than that. That's why they showed him. Well that, and to screw with Warner Bros. and the Bat vs. Sups release coming up.

Is no one going to mention how absolutely BADASS!!! Black Panther looks? He's going to be one of the surprise stars of this I think. After Civil War we're going to be screaming for a movie for him.

...but ... why that picture... for this story?

The real question is... why do you want to increase taxes on the one thing low income people are hurt with the most. We all need fuel but lower income people are hurt the most by higher prices because it reduces their spending power drastically.

So you’re saying we would still be able to manipulate electricity if we didn’t understand it? Gravity would be just like any other force we understand and control now, would it not? We understand wind and can control it. Same with water, magnetism and electricity, photonics etc. Understanding something is the first

No Alice Eve? Are you kidding?

Has anyone noticed it's Finn's jacket at the bottom of the screen in the shot that shows Rey kneeling and crying?

Absolutely!!! That is what brought me over to "Craig's" portrayal of Bond.