
Kyle, if I didn't know any better I'd think you had something against women with nice asses.

Well you didn't do it right. Come back and try 10 or 12 Krystal or White Castle burgers after drinking all night. Make sure you get the "freeze dried" onions taken off of half. Those things will kill ya.

You mis-heard. What that means is Chipotle will run through your system 4x faster to give you the runs. That's all.

Here in my area they cost $1.50 w/tax and also come with tomato. My son and I "indulged" ourselves the night they came out and had no stomach issues. Surely a few tacos aren't really upsetting stomachs are they. We had a full tray (my son kept stacking the containers) and probably could have kept going. Maybe it's

JESUS CHRIST! Just reading the question for this made my crotch ache beyond belief and my ass try to take a bite out of my chair. How about a little warning next time... PLEASE.

It looks to me like it's a tank with green water in it.

"if they rolled this out using their usual 48-channel optical fibers, they could achieve a throughput of 24.6Tbps on a cable thinner than a human hair."

Oh come on. He was looking for the bumpiest road he could find. Wouldn't you be?

Well, actually it's a bit late. This is coming from an AT&T employee too. We shouldn't have, OK, Randle Stephenson shouldn't have bet the farm on the T-Mobile buy-out the way he did. This spectrum crunch that's coming could've or should've been seen years ago. Ray Charles could've seen it coming. I blame Washington

You're exactly right. This is only for major markets at this time and it's going to be awhile before we see any provider totally kill 2G completely. There are too many rural areas still running on it.

While I'm a conservative and basically against almost everything this guy stands for I have to give him kudos for these types of stances. This type of thing is what government is supposed to do. Protect it's citizens. Under no circumstance should a hardware or software developer have access to any of my information or


What's really sad is the fact that your opinions aren't based from facts. Yet you're too hard headed to want to educate yourself. If Breitbart does go to hell what are you gonna do when/if you wake up next to him?

Actually, once they started using aerodynamic projectiles (think low air resistance) they would only need to launch it in a conductive "sheath". Once it's in the air, without the sheath, it wouldn't be susceptible to anything except a direct hit from another projectile.

Agreed. I'm looking forward to the day when I can come home and dock my phone (into whatever device) and it becomes the electronic brains of my home life. Using the same things I take with me daily.

You are exactly right.

I actually like that a helluva lot. And I'ma dude. For real.

Wait, what? YOU accused him of "chopping" up the video. Did you not? It isn't "splitting hairs" pointing out the fact that he didn't edit that video. IMO Breitbart isn't the slimy one here.

And we have a winner folks. You're exactly right. I use my iPad2 way too much to be without it for more than a few days and we all know it's going to be very hard to find an iPad3 when they first come out. I'm not one for sitting in long lines. Besides, my son has been beating me up daily to take over my iPad2. I'll

Breitbart wasn't the one that did that. Where do you get your info from and do you not check the facts before believing everything you read?