
Please, show me something Breitbart stole, edited or chopped. I want you to prove your assertion. Everyone knows you don't have to try hard to make a liberal look bad, they do that on their own.

I'm just gonna let this one go. I hear it's his last day or something so I'll just sit here and watch the door close behind him.

OK, for you I'll go a one step further. It isn't about how many positions a person can have sex in. If a girl doesn't have sex, she wont get pregnant. Is that accurate enough for you?

You said it, not me.

For all the dimwitted out there that are taking this so seriously or just don't get it, I'll put it like this. If a girl keeps her damn legs closed she wont get pregnant.

Noted. Thanks for the correction.

If Tyson were to be elected president, the first thing he would do is get RI demoted from being an actual state. It would become a statoid or some shit. God knows he still has some little kids angry at him because of the whole Pluto debacle. But I digress...

Some of you are totally missing the point as to why most sensible people are opposed to Iran getting nukes. It's leaders aren't crazy enough to use them on another country. However, if they were to give one to a group of terrorists the possibilities of a mushroom cloud over any number of cities goes way up.

That's my point. Thanks.

"But to what extent will this cripple the media's role as a watchdog?"

Yeah, what this guy said. +1

You are so wrong. AT&T DOES NOT have too many customers for it's network and it DOESN'T want to get rid of customers. Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? AT&T's infrastructure is solid as well. It's the spectrum, or the lack thereof, that's bottle necking everything. Where do you get your information?

I have a watch that has a universal remote in it and did this a couple of years ago during the SB. It got about the same reaction but no one knew it was me turning the TV off. They thought the TV was going out and was getting very upset at our host. I waited until the game was over before telling anyone what was going

I also give you Sheila Jackson Lee, D. She thought we landed on Mars and wanted to see the "flag" we placed there. Both sides can point fingers. The fact is, many in our country count on elected representatives to be smart people. Unfortunately most are no smarter than your average citizen yet they count on these same

I also give you Sheila Jackson Lee, D. She thought we landed on Mars and wanted to see the "flag" we placed there. Both sides can point fingers. The fact is, many in our country count on elected representatives to be smart people. Unfortunately most are no smarter than your average citizen yet they count on these same

So I should be able to reverse the polarity on someone as a joke and turn them into a dumb ass. Right?

All I could think about was Mcsquizzie the squirrel from Open Season. "I'll be given you a doin" LoL

"government are, on average, much better at spending money than the public."

I'm about as conservative as they come but DO NOT agree with weed, or most drugs for that matter, being illegal. I guess you could say it's the libertarian side of me. Why in the hell should I or anyone else care if someone smokes a joint or pops a pill in their own home? As long as you don't infringe on someone else

DITTO! Some have a TV in the bathroom. I have a laptop on a stand in front of my toilet. It never leaves. It is always right here so I'm never out of touch. I can use my iPad2 for the travel between the living room to here and versi visa. Thanks for asking BTW.