
You could tax "the rich" at 100% of their income for a year and it wouldn't put a dent in what's being spent. My god man. At what point does a person say enough is enough? The government will never be able to do what the public can do with it's own money. WAIT!!! Are you an American?

But he's been pushing this for years, not just in Florida. This isn't something he's saying for votes. He really wants to do it.

Oh, how about trimming some of the fat being spent in Washington? Why not start there. It is amazing how some only see things from one perspective. We aren't drowning in debt because there isn't enough money going to Washington. We're drowning in debt because there's too much money going out of Washington.

What the hell does knowing where Canada is on a map or who it's PM is have to do with anything? Please, enlighten me as to how knowing either of those things is really beneficial in any way.

Wait, what? WTH was wrong with Avatar? That movie had been written for what, 20 years or so before Cameron could make it. He waited for technology to catch up and still had to invent a way to film it. Now I didn't particularly care for the "damn everything to save the planet" type of synopsis, but the movie and what

OK. So you just see it as "pandering" for votes. Be honest though. Is it because it's put out there by Newt, a Republican, someone that isn't president yet or is it the fact that everything has to be taken in the context of the political season? Why can't it just be something to achieve in the future for the benefit

You know, this is a pretty sad thing, even coming from Sam. I know Sam, as with most people that comment here, "leans" left. Fine. But to totally attack and belittle someone for thinking big for the sake of trying to make them appear crazy is, well, crazy. Does anyone remember the unity the country had when we were

Some may not like it but you're right. Just rest assured some agree with you.

Well, that explains the boner while opening my iPad2 and iPhone.

No, really? It was in jest. You know, to make a funny. Do you cut the strings off of your yo-yo's?

I can see it now. You call the cops after all your shit is gone and they ask you that one question. Do you have any proof of someone breaking into your house? Yes, you say. I had an iPhone record the whole thing. Where is this iPhone sir? And you answer... The crooks stole it.

Has anyone called Nic Cage yet? Just what is he planning to do about it?

Yeah, I know what you mean. Years ago I went back to a club I DJ'd in. The club had been remodeled and I hadn't spun in a long time. They wanted me to spin a few to see what I thought of the new equipment. When I got into the booth the 1200's had covers on them and the DJ's were using CD players with pitch control and

A "white dwarf"? Why does it have to be a race thing? Can't we all just get along?

For crying out loud guys. This is a tech site so can we please get the specs on the type of nail gun used at least? C'mon

That's kinda harsh don't you think? LoL

Yes, yes they are.

I can hear it now. One exec to another... "Am I glad we did the Carbonite thingy. That was close"


So you're saying the DJ's of today don't have to try as hard to mix things? I used to love the LP singles of songs so you had room to play around with the crowd, phase etc. You could take one song and use it for 15 to 20 minutes if you knew what you were doing. Oh, I have one of the DJ apps for my iPad2 as well. It