

I think the room with the stone face looking over the pegs would symbolize the human sacrifice part of the Xenomorph birth. This is supposed to take place before Alien so the "eggs" with the face-hugers hasn't been put there yet. Just a guess on my part.

Go figure. You click the "expand" link and the damn picture shrinks. WTH?

AT&T did it. Just sayin'. Take that Verizon users.

Wolf spiders are good to have around if you can tolerate looking at them. They eat other insects and can keep your place bug free.

Right... But what about the trillions of dollars spent on the "war on poverty". Is that money well spent? We've got bigger financial problems than what we spend on our military in this country. At least the money we've spent so far has afforded you the ability to make stupid comments like you just made.

Doesn't he? I think obama should go ahead and put him on the payroll. He sure loves slamming anything that even thinks about leaning right.

WTF? So now we're down on the History Channel for presenting "alternate theories"? What's your hangup?

Are you fucking kidding me? It's a private company that DOESN'T get any government assistance (meaning no tax dollars) so why should anyone give a shit? I could care less if they had a fleet of jets. In fact, I'm pretty sure that they employee a lot of people with the few jets they have, so more power to them. It's

That's what I'm talking about.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, brought to you buy none other than... the American taxpayer. This is where the interest on our debt is going. Building up the Chinese military.

WHAT!? No pictures of Georgio? You guys are slacking... LoL

Right. And obama was ready wasn't he? Please, I don't buy what you're trying to sell for one second.

Actually, the saddest thing in all this is the fact that he was "accused" of these things. There hasn't been one shred of proof put forward by any of the women. There is one thing that is obvious though. The media didn't want obama to go up against another black man. That one you can bet on.

They wont learn much from it. There were no weapons on board and it's software is so heavily encrypted that they'll never be able to get into it.

As did I. You beat me to it.

Please... Don't even try. If you sit idly by and let this type of thing continue you're only inviting more of the same.

Yes! Violence. Sometimes you have to make an example out of people so others will think twice about doing the same thing. While I'm sure there is a price on them already, I would make it so some in the groups, friends and/or family members would turn them in. That's how serious I would be in getting these losers.

"Reclaiming the "99 per cent's money back"."

John, I hate to be the one to break it to you but, you sir, are not well informed. If the government agencies you listed above, in your opinion, have been ran effectively. You are either ignoring facts or you're intellectually dishonest. Every agency you mentioned is broke and has been so badly mismanaged they risk